英漢字典的作用是,當妳碰到不懂的英文單詞時,用英漢字典可以更快的找答案。因為它是用來解釋英文單詞的中文意思的,所以如果妳想知道壹個英文單詞的意思最好用英漢字典,而如果妳想知道某個漢字的英文怎麽拼寫,妳最好用漢英字典。 The function of the English-Chinese dictionary is that you can find your answer faster when you run across a word which you don't understand.because it is used as explaining an word's meaning in chinese.so if you want to know the meaning of a word.you'd better look it up by using English-Chinese dictionary.but if you want to know how to spell a Chinese word in English,you gotta flip your Chinese-English dictionary.