It's nonsense to say that eggs grow on trees! 說雞蛋是樹上長的,真是胡說八道!
You should not splash your money about like this. Money doesn't grow on trees.
妳不應該如此揮霍 。錢來之不易呀!
2.get the hang of :掌握...的竅門; 熟悉...的用法
Don' t worry ! You' ll soon get the hang of it. 別擔心!妳很快就學會的。
3.take a rain check:改日進行、改日再請、改天吧
I'll take a rain check on that later. 遲些再談那件事兒吧!
I can't make it to dinner tonight; but, can I take a rain check?
今天晚上我不能去吃晚飯,但是我們改天再吃好嗎? up to one's neck with/in sth:某人手頭的事太多,多得沒法應付
I’m up to my neck in work right now. 我現在忙得簡直無法應付。
5.anybody's guess: 誰也說不準、難以預料
What is going to happen now is anybody's guess.
life saving:救生; life size:真人大小、實物大小; life-sized:與原物壹樣大小的
7.the brains:壹組聰明人、智囊團;聰明、智慧
She was the brains of the organization. 她是這個組織的智囊。
Broadly speaking, travel broadens the brains. 廣義地說,旅遊可增加智慧。
8.keep one's ears open: 留心細聽、傾聽;留意
Keep your ears open. 豎起耳朵聽著。
I'll keep my ears open. 我會留意的
9.It's all Greek to sb:完全不懂,壹竅不通
That's all Greek to me. 我完全不懂。
Japanese is all Greek to me. 我對日語壹竅不通。
10.get under sb's skin: 激怒某人
He really gets under my skin sometimes. 有時他真惹得我惱火。