當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 漢譯英 ...........................................................

漢譯英 ...........................................................

1.學習備考 prepare for the exam

2 記筆記 take notes

3.練習做某事 practice doing sth.

4.令某人驚訝的是 to one's surprise

5.大聲讀練習發音 practice pronunciation aloud

6.發現看電影令人失望 find out watching movies is disappointing

7.把…變成… turn sth. into

8.仔細考慮 think carefully

9.觀看/看見/聽見某人(在)幹某事 observe/see/hear sb. doing sth.

10.結束做 finish doing

11.做壹個關於…的調查 do a research about sth.

12.英語口語/書面英語 oral/written English

13.犯錯,出錯 make mistakes

14.嘲笑某人 laugh at sb.

15.造完整的句子 make a full sentence

16.生…的氣(3) be angry at sb. 或者 be angry at sth.

17. 拿…和…相比較/把…比作… compare A and B

18. 決定做某事/下決心做某事 decide to do sth.

19.做某事有困難 difficult to do sth.

20.在字典中查找他 look up sth. in the dictionary

21.把難題看做挑戰 consider difficult problems as challenges

22. 對付,處理(2) deal with/handle sth.

23.抱怨關於某事/向某人抱怨 compalint about sth./complaint to sb.

24.有意見分歧 has some disagreement

25.整天(2) the entire day/the whole day

26.盡全力做某事 try one's best to do sth.

27.面對挑戰 face the challenge

28.中斷友誼 break up the relationship

29.編造,組成 made up with

30.過去常常/ 習慣於做某事 / 被用於做某事 (2) be used to do sth./ get used to do sth.

31.對…感興趣(2) be interested in sth./ be instereted in doing sth.

32.害怕某事/害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth.

33.非常害怕做某事 very afraid of doing sth.

34.開著燈 keep the light on

35.忙於做某事(2) be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth

36.買不起 can't afford

37.支付她孩子的學費 pay her children's tuition

38.對…有耐心 be patient . . .

39.對…感到自豪(2) be proud of / take pride in

40. 在過去的幾年裏 in the past years

41.以後,隨後 from now on

42.和…壹樣 the same as

43.送…去… bring . . . to . . .

44.對…註意,留心 pay attention to

45.應該被允許做…/ 允許某人做某事 be permitted to do sth.

46. 互相學習 learn from each other

47. 停止做/ 停下來去做 stop doing sth.

48. 為…擔心(2) be worried about . . . / be anxious about . . .

49. 對某人嚴格要求/ 對某事嚴格要求 be strict about . . .

50. 想要做?(3)feel like doing / want to do / would like to do . . .

51. 有機會做某事(2) have a chance to do sth./have an opportunity to do sth.

52.壹位職業運動員 a professional athelete

53. sb 實現夢想/ one’s dream實現 realize one's dream

54. ?的重要性 the importance of

55. 對?嚴肅,認真 be serious about

56.入睡 fall asleep

57.足夠的錢/書;足夠便宜 enough money/books; cheap enough

58.不睡覺,熬夜 stay up late

59.考試不及格/通過考試/參加考試 fail the exam / pass the exam / take the exam

60. 最後,終於(2) finally / at last

61.集中,聚集 get together

62.目前,現在 nowadays

63.休息壹天 /星期五下午休息 take one day off / take Friday's afternoon off

64.感到困倦 be tired

65.擋…的路,妨礙 get into one's way

66. 和…聊天 chat with sb.

67(做)…的秘訣之壹 one of the secrets

68.在…的幫助下(2) with the help of . . .

69.令某人驚奇的是 to one's surprise

70.代替,而不是 instead of . . . rather than

71.擔心,關心 worry about

72.做某事最好的辦法(2)the best way to do sth. / the best method to do sth.