當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 臊子面英文怎麽說


牛肉臊子面 隱藏摘要

Minced beef noodles

摘要 牛肉臊子面Minced beef noodles 酸菜豆花面Pickled cabbage bean curd pudding noodles 閬苑三絕Three incomparable food of Langzhong ...

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岐山臊子面 隱藏摘要

Qishan--style noodles

摘要 岐山臊子面 Qishan--style noodles. Qishan noodles with minced meat. 肉夾饃 Shaanxi -style sandwich. 粉魚(漏魚) Lou Yu. Cool flour little fish. 鍋盔 Pancake ...

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Saozi Noodles

摘要 以下列出幾種陜西特色小吃,讀者朋友不妨試著給它們起個洋名:涼皮(米皮、面皮)、羊 肉泡饃、肉夾饃、鍋盔、岐山臊子面、千層餅、粉魚(漏魚)、石子餅、搟面皮、甑 ...