當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 詞組急救



Unit 1

過去常常做某事 used to do sth 習慣做某事 be used to doing sth

激光唱機 a CD player 輸入 put into

全神貫註於……中 put one’s heart into 想出、提供 come up with

拾起某物 pick up sth 向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb

把某物借給某人 lend sb sth/lend sth to sb 帶給某人知識 give sb knowledge

在校園內的室外 outside in the schoolyard 忘記要做某事 forget to do sth

忘記曾經做過的事 forget doing sth 第二天 the next day

上壹周 last week 幾天以後 several days later

遲早 sooner or later 更糟糕的是 what be worse

為……而付款 pay for… 所借的書 borrowed books

在國外 be abroad 整理床鋪 make the bed

把某物歸還給某人 return sth to sb 從某人處得到某物get sth from sb

順手拿走、偷走 walk away with 鼓勵某人做某事 encourage ab to do sth

Unit 2

水上運動 water sports 壹天三次 three times a day

嘗試 have a try / want a go 遍及全世界 all over the world

許許多多、大量 a large number of 壹年到頭,終年 all the year round

不管 no matter 放棄做某事 give up doing sth

放棄工作 give up one’s job 以沖浪為生 live to surf

看起來令人興奮 look exciting 因……而著名 be famous for

在A和B之間 between A and B 例如 for example

從那時起 ever since 打零工a part-time assistant

休息壹晚 have a night off 使某人舒暢(開心)make sb fit

樂趣無窮 such great fun 動身去某地 leave for sw.

壹等獎 first prize 沖浪競賽 a surfing competition

奧林匹克運動會 Olympic Games 出差,因公 on business

時光飛逝,光陰似箭,日月如梭 (How) time flies!

迄今為止 so far 到某處旅遊 travel to sw.

試著做某事 trying doing sth 盡力做某事 try to do sth

壹個十二歲的男孩 a 12-year-old boy / a boy of 12 實現 come true

走進、踏入 step into 減速 slow down

又過了兩個小時 another two hours 高度贊揚 speak highly of

因……感到自豪 be proud of doing sth / be proud to do sth

是…..的驕傲 be the pride of sb

Unit 3

造紙廠 a paper factory 找出、查明 find out

傾倒, 倒入 pour… into 汙水、廢水 waste water

害怕某事(物) be afraid of sth 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth

傳到某人耳中 come to one’s ears 將某物投入 throw sth in

將某物投入某處 throw sth into sw. 幫助做某事 help (to) do sth

保持城市整潔 keep the city clean 保護環境 protect the environment

綠化中國 Greener China 亂丟某物 litter / throw sth about

以……為根據 base on /be based on 在公***場所吐痰 spit in a public place

為幹某事而做出(巨大)貢獻 make a (great) contribution to doing sth

砍伐 cut down 收垃圾的車 a truck collecting rubbish

Unit 4

盡快 as soon/quickly as possible; as soon /quickly as one can

現在 right now 乘飛機旅行 travel by plane/ air

匆匆行程 a rushed trip 火車旅途 a train ride

打的前往 take a taxi to 臥鋪車箱 a sleeping car

四處走走 walk around 感到疲憊 feel tired

打牌 play cards 壹直不斷幹某事 keep doing sth

不斷老是做某事 keep on doing sth 為某人提供某物 offer sb sth

練習幹某事 practise doing sth 很快睡熟了 fall fast asleep

持久 last long 持續壹段時間 last for some time

旅行 go on a trip/ have a trip / be on a trip 拍照 take photos

/ pictures

趕快 hurry up 在某人壹生中 in one’s life

留言 leave a message 沖洗, 顯影 come out

Unit 5

過來、加油 come on 開家庭會議 have a family meeting

談論 talk about 去度假 go for a holiday / go on


決定幹某事 decide to do sth 潛水scuba diving

在因特網上 on the Internet 上網查尋 search the Internet

雙擊左鍵 double left click 因特網圖標 the Internet icon

鍵入網址 type in the Website 按回車鍵 press the enter button

花市 a flower market 馴鹿公園 a deer park

單程 one-way trip 往返雙程 round trip

珊瑚礁 coral reefs 快速列車 a fast train

向前走 walk along 照直走go straight along

請稍等 just / wait a minute

Unit 6

報警 call the police 出事故 have an accident

去沖浪 go surfing 騎馬ride a horse

拜訪某人 visit sb 允許某人做某事 allow sb to do sth

使它成為可能 make it possible 水下呼吸器 the scuba machine

對……感興趣 be interested in 攝像 make videos

制作電視節目 make a TV show 對……感到驚訝 be amazed /surprised at

保護環境 save /protect the environment 保持某物清潔 keep sth clean

清理、打掃 clean up 鼓勵某人幹某事 encourage sb to do sth

參加……活動 take part in sth /doing sth 長達…… as long as…

在世界上 on earth / in the world 以……為生、為主食 feed on…

在沙灘上 on the beaches 警告某人做某事 warn sb to do sth

去看望、拜訪某人go to visit sb 走出 get out of

就這麽定了。 That’s a deal.

Unit 7

能 be able to持續做…… keep doing sth

讓某人持續做某事 keep sb doing sth 操作、從事、致力於…… work on sth

改變世界 change the world 試驗新的想法(創新)try out new ideas

在校上學 be in school 與……無/有關 have nothing / something to do


對……感興趣 be interested in 在12歲時 at the age of 12

鐵軌 railway tracks 沖過去 rush out

把孩子抱到安全地帶carry the boy to safety 如此……以致…… so… that…

對……評價高,看重 think a lot of 考慮、關心 think of

開發 open up 關小 turn down

開大 turn up 畢業於…… graduate from…

值得做 be worth doing 保持忙碌 keep busy

把某人帶回家 take sb home 生活的壹個新開端 a new start in life

某人大半生 most of one’s lifetime 對某人充滿信心 have confidence in sb

想要做某事 feel like doing sth / would like to do sth / want to do sth

計劃做某事 plan to do sth

Unit 8

實現 come true 快來 come on

砍伐 cut down 掛上、張貼 put up

在……頂部 on top of / at the top of 團聚 get together

挨家挨戶 from house to house 聖誕頌歌 Christmas songs

聖誕精神 the spirit of Christmas 在聖誕除夕 on Christmas Eve

在聖誕節 on Christmas Day 在床頭邊 at the end of the bed

聖誕老人 Father Christmas 在夜間 during the night

也 as well 好心的人 a kind-hearted man

順著爬下來 climb down 把……裝上 fill… with…

以……為根據 base on /be based on 窮人 the poor

扔下 drop down盡管、即使 even though

不再 no longer / not any longer / no more / not any more

某人慷慨大方的精神 one’s spirit of generosity

繼續活著 live on 迫不及待幹某事 can’t wait to do sth

聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas 在西方國家 in western countries

春節 (the) Spring Festival 用不同的方式 in different ways

從前 once upon a time 講述tell of (about)

向某人講述某事 tell sb of (about) sth 生孩子 give birth to

Unit 9

毛筆 a writing brush 由……制成 be made of (from)

被用來 be used for 保暖 keep warm

寄信 send a letter 開鎖門 open and lock a door

在世界上 in the world / on earth 成群的人 groups of people

壹群鳥 a group of birds 壹百萬或更多 one million or more

當然 of course 說得最廣泛 be the most widely spoken

使用很廣泛 be used very widely 作為壹門外語 as a foreign language

在世界上其他許多國家 in many other countries of the world

在當今世界上, 在現代社會中 in the modern world

把……當作……用 be used as …

廣泛使用於商業事務中 be widely used for business

向某人買某物 buy sth from sb 把某物賣給某人 sell sth to sb

大多數商業信件most business letters 在世界範圍內 around the world

打電話 make a telephone call 數碼相機 a digital camera

在另壹方面 on the other hand 壹套…… a set of

Unit 10

在城裏 be in town 在城外 be out of town

展覽、陳列 on show / on display 數百年前 hundreds of years ago

看壹看 have a look到某地參觀 a visit to sw

在20世紀20年代 in the 1920s 很久以前 long ago / long before

下蛋 lay eggs 不久以後 before long

人類 humans / human beings / man 真遺憾 That’s /What a pity.

被……覆蓋 be covered with 有羽毛的恐龍 a feathered dinosaur

在將來 in the future研究恐龍 study dinosaurs

查字典 look up sth in a /the dictionary 禁止吸煙 No smoking.

禁止拍照 No photos. 禁止停車 No parking

有三只腿的杯子 a cup with three legs / a three legged cup

在舊社會 in the old days 上酒 serve wine

使茶保溫 keep tea warm 被裝上、填上 be filled with

壹群、壹組 a group of 損壞 break down

營業時間 business time 切勿倒置 This side up

Unit 11

植樹節 Tree Planting Day 植樹 plant trees

正好 just right 既不……也不 neither… nor…

把……插進 knock… into 務必、確保、壹定 make sure

在……旁邊 next to 以便 so that

把……用力踩實 push sth down hard 把……系在 tie …to

使它立直 keep it straight 在綠色的長城 on the Great Green Wall

流失、跑走 run away 沖走 wash away

阻止、防止某人做某事 stop / prevent sb (from) doing sth ; keep sb from doing


雨滴 rain drops 直接沖擊土壤 hit the soil directly

多虧、由於 thanks to / because of 落葉dead leaves

數百萬個 millions of 這壹次 this time

其他許多人 many other people 在這些樹苗中 among the young trees

多多益善 The more, the better 再過幾年,幾年以後 in a few years’ time

指向 point to遠處 far away

用這種方法 in this way 上交 hand in

或多或少、 差不多 more or less 避開,防止 keep off

Unit 12

給某人發壹份電子郵件 send sb an e-mail / send an e-mail to sb

把信息輸入到電腦 put information into the computer

電腦迷 a computer fan 談論 talk about

繞……轉 travel around 在太空 in space

發射 send up 壹直 all the time

無人駕駛的宇宙飛船 spaceships without people

把……發射到太空 sent sth up into space

收發信息 send and receive messages

在……的幫助下 with one’s help / with the help of

在世界的另壹面 on the other side of the world

向……打電話 make a telephone call to…

不同國家的人們 people from different countries

更好地相互了解 understand each other better

輸入 put into 關上 shut down

拖延、延期 put off 壹心想做 set one’s mind to do

到目前為止 so far / by now / up to now 編造 make up

有關……方面的知識knowledge of … 數百\幾百 hundreds of

數千、成千上萬 thousands of 數萬、幾萬 tens of thousands of

數百萬/ 幾百萬 /無數的 millions of

Unit 13

下降、放慢、減速 slow down 世界人口 the word’s population

增加了…… increase by… 增加到…… increase to…

繼續 go on 壹小時又壹小時 hour after hour

年復壹年 year after year A 乘以B A multiplied by B

越來越快 faster and faster 平方米 square meter

在……之初 at the beginning of… 以……開頭/結尾 start / end with…

在二十世紀 in the twentieth century 到2010年為止 by the year 2010

只有立足之地 standing room only 發達的國家 developed countries

發展中國家 developing countries 同意某人的意見 agree with sb

價格貴 cost much 價格便宜 cost little

寧願……也不…… prefer to do sth rather than do sth

prefer to do sth instead of doing sth

prefer doing sth to doing sth

would rather do sth than do sth

值得做 be worth doing

Unit 14

把……穿舊 wear out 精疲力竭 wear out

壹雙新網球鞋 a new pair of tennis shoes 試穿 try on

有點兒貴 a little / a bit expensive 深藍色 dark blue

淺綠色 light green參加學校旅行 on a school trip

檢查 check out 做出決定 make a decision

信用卡 a credit card 名勝 places of interest

放下 drop off 匆匆忙忙 in a hurry

復習、過壹遍、仔細查看 go over 考慮 think about / of

壹點兒也不 not a bit / not … at all 非常 not a little

京劇 Peking Opera 人民大會堂 the Great Hall of the People

故宮博物館 the Palace Museum 也as well

整個下午 the whole afternoon 在小船上 in a boat

聽到某人在做某事 hear sb doing sth 聽起來很優美 sound very beautiful

天安門廣場 Tian’anmen Square 靠近 close to

叫人做某事 have sth done 頤和園 the Summer Palace

上網 get on line 網上購物 shopping / buy sth on


永遠 for ever犯錯誤 make a mistake /mistakes

淋濕、弄濕 get wet 做某事感到興奮(激動)be excited about doing sth

物美價廉offer the most at the best price 似乎、好象做…… seem to do sth

按照正確的順序 in the right order 放下 drop off / put down

接近於……,和……聯系密切 be close to…

Unit 15

獸醫 an animal doctor / a doctor for animals 對某人來說 to sb

感到減少孤獨感 feel less lonely 使妳大笑 make you laugh

長大、成長 grow up 畢業於…… graduate from…

下定決心 make up one’s mind 上大學 go to college

繼續教育 continue one’s education 找到工作 find a job

在農村 in the country 把……看作 have / regard / look on… as

起先、當初 at first 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb

病狗 a sick dog 養狗keep dogs

在某人壹生中in one’s life 無論、不管 no matter

兒童科醫生 a doctor for children /a children’s doctor 好像 as if

吃藥 take / have (some)medicine 睡著be asleep

忙於做某事 be busy doing / with sth 在風暴中 in a storm

在海上 at sea 折成兩段 break in two

在……的邊緣 on the edge of 把……扔到 drop… to…

對某人高喊 shout to sb 跳到……裏 jump into…

跳出…… jump out of… 報警call the police

半小時後 half an hour later 至少、起碼 at least

手機 a mobile phone 打針get an injection

搖尾巴 wag one’s tail

讓(使)某人做某事 let / make / have sb do sth

Unit 16

打贏某人 beat sb 壹個大比分 a big score

在壹場激動人心的比賽中 in an exciting match

在最後十分鐘內in the last fifteen minutes輸給某人 lose to sb

令人吃驚的結果 in a surprising result 到……的時候 by the time

中場球員 a mid-field player 感到有點兒緊張 feel a bit nervous

越來越自信 more and more confident 在上(下)半場 in the first /second half

首先得分 the first to score 結果 as a result

繼續開展,進行下去carry on doing / with sth 寫出 write out

對……滿意 be pleased with 壹場大型的比賽 a great match

壹場乏味的比賽 a boring match 生某人的氣 be angry with sb

(液體)溢出、(人群)湧出spill out 現在、此刻 at the moment

有機會 have a chance 從現在起 from now on

保持傳球 keep passing the ball 受傷get hurt

前衛 mid-field player 理所應當做某事 deserve to do sth

右上角 the top right-hand corner 做份內的事,盡職 do one’s job

期望做某事 expect to do sth

Unit 17

舉手 hands up 操作電腦 work at the computer

澆花 water the flowers 求助 ask for help

謝謝妳的到來 Thank you for coming 下來 come down

沒有必要做某事There is no need to do sth某人需要做某事 sb needs to do sth

某事需要做Sth needs to be done / need doing 需要某人做某事 need sb to do sth

逃跑 run away 歸還give back

偵探片 a detective film 丟失的項鏈 the missing necklace

Unit 18

在咖啡店 at a coffee shop 生某事的氣 be angry about / at sth

對某人生氣 get angry with / at sb ; be angry with sb

忙著做某事 be busy doing / with sth 忘記要做某事 forget to do sth

忘記曾做過某事 forget doing sth 火車站 a / the railway station

許多年以後 many years later 存錢,省錢 save one’s money

解決,做出 work out 交通堵塞 a big traffic jam

碰頭 bang one’s head 消失在……中 disappear into …

……的極頂 the summit of… 對某人心存感激 be grateful to sb.


Units 1-6

first name 名字 last name/ family name 姓氏

phone number 電話號碼 an ID card 壹張身份證

pencil case 鉛筆盒 pencil sharpener 鉛筆刀

computer game 電腦遊戲 play computer games玩電腦遊戲

call sb.at 347-2365 給某人打347-2365 lost and found 失物招領

a set of keys 壹串鑰匙 in English 用英語

an eraser 壹塊鉛筆擦 pen friend 筆友

thanks for 為…感謝 a photo of your family 妳家人的照片

on the sofa 在沙發上 behind the door 在門後

next to the bookcase 在書櫃旁邊 in the drawer 在抽屜裏

under the chair 在椅子下 on the floor 在地板

between the dresser and the bookcase


an alarm clock 壹只鬧鐘 video cassette 錄象帶

soccer ball 英式足球 math book 數學書

take sth to sb. 把…拿(去)給某人 bring sth. to sb. 把…帶(來)給某人

play basketball 打籃球 play ping-pong /table tennis 打乒乓球

play volleyball 打排球 play soccer/football 踢足球

play baseball 打棒球 play tennis 打網球

tennis racket 網球拍 every day 每天

play/do sports做運動 watch TV 看電視

watch sth. on TV 在電視上觀看… French fries 炸薯條

ice cream 冰淇淋 some tomatoes 幾個西紅柿

some photos 壹些/幾張相片 lots of = a lot of 許多,大量

healthy food健康食品。 Have/eat chicken 吃雞肉

have/eat breakfast 吃早飯 have/eat lunch 吃午飯

have/eat dinner(supper) 吃晚飯

Units 7-12

how much 多少錢 Here you are 給妳

you're welcome 不客氣 have a look at 看壹看…

bag for sports運動包 two dollars 兩美元

seven yuan 七元(人民幣) what color 什麽顏色

a good price價格合適 come and see for yourself親自來看看

be on sale大廉銷 ,大減價 birthday party 生日聚會

date of birth (=birthday ) 生日 speech contest 演講比賽

school trip郊遊, 校遊 school day 作息日,校日

basketball game 籃球賽 Art Festival 藝術節

how old 幾歲 fifteen years old 15歲

go to a movie 看電影 what kind of 什麽種類

Beijing Opera 京劇 action movies 動作片

movie star 電影明星 on weekends 在周末

Chinese history 中國歷史 favorite actor 最喜歡的演員

interesting thin