/ ?n; ?n/ adv part (For special uses with many vs 與動詞搭配的特殊用法, 如 come in, give in, see the v entries 見有關動詞詞條.)
(to a position) within a particular area or volume (指位置)在裏面, 在內: The top drawer is the one with the cutlery in. 最上面的抽屜是放刀叉的. * I'm afraid I can't drink coffee with milk in. 我不能喝攙牛奶的咖啡. * She opened the bedroom door and went in. 她打開臥室的門走了進去. * The children were playing by the river when one of them slipped and fell in. 孩子們在河邊玩耍, 突然其中壹個滑了壹跤跌進河裏. * The door opened and in walked my father. 門壹開, 父親進來了.
(of people) at home or at a place of work (指人)在家或在工作處: Nobody was in when we called. 我們打過電話, 可是屋裏沒有人. * She's usually in by seven o'clock. 她通常七點鐘就到家了. * I'm afraid the manager isn't in today. 經理今天不在. Cf 參看 out 2.
(of trains, buses, etc) at the station or terminus (指火車、 公***汽車等)在站上或在總站: The train was in when we got to the station. 我們趕到車站時, 火車已停在站上了. * It's due in (ie It should arrive) at 6 o'clock. 這班車應在6點鐘到達.
(of farm animals or crops) brought to the farm from the fields (指家畜或農作物)從田野弄回農場: The cows will be in for milking soon. 奶牛壹會兒就趕回來等待擠奶. * We need help to get the wheat in. 我們需要人手來幫助搶收小麥.
(of the tide) at or towards its highest point on land (指潮汐)上漲或處最高點: It's one o'clock. The tide must be in. 壹點鐘了. 潮水準已漲上來了. * Is the tide coming in or going out? 現在是漲潮還是落潮? * (fig 比喻) My luck's in I won a new car in a raffle. 我的運氣來了--在有獎抽彩中我得了壹輛新汽車.
(of letters, cards, etc) delivered to the destination; received (指信件、 名信片等)投遞到, 收到: Applications must be in by 30 April. 申請書必須在4月30日以前交來. * Entries should be in on Monday morning. 參加者名單應在星期壹上午交來.
fashionable; popular 時髦; 入時; 流行: Miniskirts are (coming) in again. 超短裙又(快)時興了.
(of fruit, fish, etc) on sale or obtainable (指水果、 魚等)上市, 當令, 可買到: Strawberries are never in for long. 草莓上市的時間從來就不長. * Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 現在有新鮮大馬哈魚賣嗎?
elected to office 當選; 執政: Labour came in after the war. 戰後工黨開始執政. * The club president has been in since 1979. 俱樂部主任是自1979年選任的.
(sport 體) (a) (in cricket, baseball, etc) batting (板球、 壘球等)擊球: England were in first. 英國隊首先擊球. * He had only been in for 10 minutes when Jones bowled him out. 他擊球才十分鐘就被瓊斯投球殺出局. (b) (in tennis, badminton, etc) (of a ball, etc) having landed inside the line (網球、 羽毛球等)(指球)落在界內: Her service was in. 她發球落入界內. (c) (of the ball in football, hockey, etc) between and behind the goalposts (指足球、 冰球等的球)在球門柱之間或入門: It's in we've got a goal! 球進了--我們射門得分! Cf 參看 out 16.
(of a coal or wood fire) burning (指煤火或柴火)燃燒: The fire was still in when we got home. 我們到家時, 煤火還在燃燒.
(idm 習語) be in for sth (infml 口) (a) be about to experience (esp sth unpleasant) 即將體驗到(尤指不愉快的事物): He's in for a nasty shock/surprise! 他就要碰上壹件非常糟糕而震驚[意外]的事了! * I'm afraid we're in for a storm. 看來我們要趕上暴雨了. (b) having agreed to take part in sth 同意參加某事: Are you in for this game of whist? 這場惠斯特橋牌妳參加嗎? * I'm in for the 1000 metres. 我參加壹千米賽跑. be/get in on sth (infml 口) participate in sth; have a share or knowledge of sth 參與某事; 對某事知情: I'd like to be in on the scheme. 我很想參與這項計畫. * Are you in on her secret? 妳知道她的秘密嗎? be (well) `in with sb (infml 口) be (very) friendly with sb (and likely to benefit from the friendship) 同某人親密(且可能從中獲益): He's well in with the boss. 他和老板關系很密切. have (got) it `in for sb (infml 口) want to take revenge on sb; bear ill will towards sb 欲向某人報復; 對某人不懷好意: That teacher has always had it in for me. 那位老師總想跟我過不去. ,in and `out (of sth) sometimes in and sometimes out (of a place) 時進時出(於某處): He's been in and out of hospital (ie often ill and in hospital) all year. 他壹整年經常入院出院.
> in- (forming compound ns 用以構成復合名詞)
1 (infml 口) popular and fashionable 流行和時髦: It's the in-thing to do at the moment. 這是目前最時興的做法了. * the in-place to go 大家壹時愛去的地方.
2 shared by or appealing to a small group (小圈子內)分享的或感興趣的: an in-joke 壹則內部笑話.
# `in-tray n tray for holding letters, etc that are waiting to be read or answered 收文盤(放置待閱或待覆信件的). Cf 參看 out-tray (out).
/ ?n; ?n/ prep (For special uses with many ns and vs 與名詞和動詞搭配的特殊用法, 如 in place, in memory of, end in sth, see the n and v entries 見有關名詞和動詞詞條.)
(indicating place 表示地方) (a) at a point within the area or volume of (sth) 在(某事物)的範圍內的壹點上: the highest mountain in the world 世界上最高的山 * a country in Africa 非洲的壹個國家 * She lives in a small village in France. 她住在法國的壹個小鄉村裏. * the biggest shop in town 鎮上最大的商店 * islands in the Pacific Ocean 太平洋上的島嶼 * children playing in the street 在街上玩耍的孩子 * not a cloud in the sky 天上壹朵雲彩也沒有 * swimming in the pool 在池中遊泳 * standing in the corner of a room 站在房間的角落裏 (Cf 參看 standing at the corner of the street) * It's in a drawer. 在抽屜裏. * I read about it in the newspaper. 那件事我是在報上看到的. * Can you see the dog in the picture? 妳看見畫裏的狗了嗎? (b) within the shape of (sth); enclosed by 在(某物)的形體或範圍中; 在...之內; 在...之中: lying in bed 躺在床上 (Cf 參看 sitting on the bed) * sitting in a chair, ie an armchair 坐在單座沙發上 * Leave the key in the lock. 鑰匙就留在鎖孔裏吧. * a cigarette in her mouth 她嘴裏叼著的香煙 * What have you got in your hand/pocket? 妳手[口袋]裏有什麼東西?
(indicating movement 表示移動) into (sth) 進入(某物): He dipped his pen in the ink. 他把鋼筆往墨水裏蘸了蘸. * Throw it in the fire. 把它扔到火裏去吧. * She got in her car and drove off. 她進入汽車裏把車開走了.
during (a period of time) 在(某段時間)內: in the twentieth century 在二十世紀 * in 1999 在1999年 * in spring, summer, etc 在春天、 夏天等 * in March 在三月裏 (Cf 參看 on 18 March) * in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午[下午/晚上] * It happened in the past. 這是過去發生的事情. =>Usage at time2 用法見time2.
(a) after (a maximum length of time) 在(壹整段時間)之後: return in a few minutes, hours, days, months, etc 過幾分鐘、 幾小時、 幾天、 幾個月...之後回來 * It will be ready in a week. 壹周之後即準備妥當. * She learnt to drive in three weeks, ie After 3 weeks she could drive. 她用了三個星期學會了開車. (b) (used after a negative or first, last, etc 用於否定詞之後或first、 last等詞之後) during; for 在某段時間內: I haven't seen him in years. 我多年沒見到他了. * It's the first/only letter I've had in 10 days. 這是我10天中收到的第壹封[唯壹的壹封]信.
forming the whole or part of (sth); contained within 構成(某事物)的整體或部分; 包含在...之內: seven days in a week 壹星期有七天 * eight pints in a gallon 壹加侖有八品脫 * There's a cover charge included in the total. 帳單總額裏包括服務費. * I recognize his father in him, ie His character is partly similar to his father's. 我看到他身上有他父親的某些氣質.
(indicating ratio 表示比率): a slope/gradient of one in five 1:5的坡度[傾斜度] * taxed at the rate of 15p in the pound 以每鎊納15便士的稅率課稅 * One in ten said they preferred their old brand of margarine. 有十分之壹的人說比較喜歡老牌子的人造黃油.
wearing (clothes, colours, etc) 穿戴(衣物等): dressed/clothed in rags 穿著[衣著]襤褸 * the man in the hat 戴著帽子的男子 * the woman in white 穿著白色衣服的女子 * in uniform, mourning, disguise, armour 穿著制服、 帶著孝、 戴著偽裝、 披著鎧甲 * in high-heeled shoes 穿著高跟鞋 * in a silk shirt 穿著綢襯衫.
(indicating physical surroundings, circumstances, etc 表示具體的環境、 情況等): go out in the rain, sun, cold, etc 冒著雨、 頂著太陽、 冒著寒冷等外出.
(indicating the state or condition of sb/sth 表示某人[某事物]的狀態或狀況): in order 整齊 * in a mess 亂七八糟 * in good repair 保養良好 * in poor health 健康欠佳 * in a rage 憤怒之中 * in a hurry 匆忙地 * in fun 開玩笑地 * in poverty 在窮困中 * in ruins 呈廢墟狀態 * in anger, ie angrily 憤怒地.
(indicating form, shape, arrangement or quantities 表示形式、 形狀、 安排或數量): a novel in three parts 分為三部分的壹本小說 * stand in groups 成群地站著 * sit in rows 成排地坐著 * her hair in a pony-tail 她那梳成馬尾狀的頭發 * curtains hanging in folds 掛著的打著褶兒的窗簾 * Tourists queue in (their) thousands to see the tomb. 遊客數以千計排著長隊參觀陵墓.
(indicating the medium, means, material, etc 表示媒體、 手段、 材料等): speak in English 用英語說 * write a message in code 用密碼寫壹條消息 * written in biro, ink, pencil, etc 用圓珠筆、 墨水、 鉛筆等寫的 * printed in italics, capitals, etc 用斜體字、 大寫字體等印刷的 * say it in a few words 用幾句話來說 * speak in a loud voice 大聲地說 * pay in cash 用現金支付 (Cf 參看 by cheque).
(used to introduce the name of a particular person 用以引出某人姓名): We have lost a first-rate teacher in Jim. 我們失去了吉姆這位壹流的教師. * You've got a real trouble-maker in Wilkins. 妳們有個威金斯這個貨真價實的搗亂分子. * You will always find a good friend in me, ie I will always be a good friend to you. 我永遠是妳的好朋友.
with reference to (sth); regarding 在(某)方面; 關於; 至於: He's behind the others in reading but a long way ahead in arithmetic. 他在閱讀方面不如別人, 但算術卻遙遙領先. * lacking in courage 缺乏勇氣 * equal in strength 強度壹樣 * a country rich/poor in minerals 礦藏豐富[貧乏]的國家 * blind in one eye 壹目失明 * three feet in length, depth, diameter, etc 長度、 深度、 直徑...為三英尺.
(indicating sb's occupation, activity, etc 表示某人的職業、 活動等): in the army/navy/air force 在陸軍[海軍/空軍]服役 * in business, insurance, computers, journalism, etc 從事商業、 保險業、 計算機業、 新聞業等 * He's been in politics (ie a politician) all his life. 他壹生從政. * killed in action, ie While fighting as a soldier 陣亡 * In (ie While) attempting to save a child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life. 她在搶救溺水的孩子時, 自己幾乎喪了命.
(idm 習語) in that / ?n ?t; ?n ?t/ (never taking stress 不可重讀) for the reason that; because 基於...的理由; 因為: Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition. 私營化的優點在於能促進相互競爭.
/ ?n; ?n/ n (idm 習語) the ins and outs (of sth) the details and complexities (of an activity or a procedure) (活動或程序的)細節, 始末, 詳情: know all the ins and outs of a problem 熟悉問題的來龍去脈 * He's been here for years; he should know the ins and outs of the job by now. 他在這裏已經很多年了, 現在理應熟悉工作的各種方面了.
abbr 縮寫 = (pl unchanged or ins 復數或不變或作 ins) (also symb 符號為 ") inch: 4 in x (ie by) 2 in (4" x 2") 4英寸x2英寸(4" x 2") * He is 6 ft 2 in (tall). 他身高6英尺2英寸. Cf 參看 ft, yd.
(also il-, im-, ir-) pref 前綴 (forming adjs, advs and ns 用以構成形容詞、 副詞、 名詞) not 不; 非; 無: infinite * illogical * immorally * irrelevance. =>Usage at un- 用法見un.