The match girl suffered from cold and hunger in the street at last.
究竟妳是自力更生還是我們助妳壹臂之力完全取決於妳(be up to)
It is up to you whether you survive by your own or rely on us.
This dictionary emphasises phrases which is different from other dictionaries.
In a word,he has made a surprising decision to get his aim.
There's no point just complaining about the food to the manager with no action.
他昨晚打電話給我的時候,我碰巧在外面散步(happen )
I happened to walk outside when he phoned me yesterday evening.
另壹方面,妳為了趕時髦,竭盡全力減肥,這是無法改變的事實(length, alter)
On the other hand,it's an unchangeable length that you are altering yourself so as to follow the fashion.
令我們驚訝的是,他沒有註意調整節奏,所以他的健康狀況變差了(pace , fail)
To our surprise,he didn't take notice of regulating the pace,so his fitness of body failed.
He is so careless that he mistaked the medecine to coke.
直到河裏的魚都死去,村民們才意識到了環境保護的重要性(Not until)
The villagers didn't notice the imporatance of environment protection until the fish in the river all died.