當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth 有什麽區別

keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth 有什麽區別

關於?keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth?的區別,由我來給大家解答壹下吧 ヾ(?ω?`)o。

咱們大體了解壹下?:"Keep doing something" 強調繼續進行某個動作或持續做某事;"keep on doing something" 強調動作的持續性和堅持性,表示持續不斷地進行某事。兩者之間的區別在於對動作持續性的強調程度不同。

再來看壹個表格來比對壹下?keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth:


再看壹下?keep doing sth 和keep on doing sth?的具體區別,讓我們輕松拿捏?:區別壹:語法形式

- "Keep doing sth" 使用動詞的原形 (infinitive) 形式,即動詞的原始形態。

- "Keep on doing sth" 使用動詞的原形 (infinitive) 形式,加上介詞 "on"。

▲ 例子:

1. She kept singing even when her voice was hoarse. (她繼續唱歌,即使聲音嘶啞。)

2. He keeps on talking about his travels. (他不停地談論他的旅行。)


- "Keep doing sth" 通常表示持續進行某個動作或狀態,強調的是動作或狀態的延續。

- "Keep on doing sth" 則更多地強調重復或頻繁進行某個動作,可以理解為"繼續不停地做某事"。

▲ 例子:

1. Keep practicing the guitar to improve your skills. (持續練習吉他以提高技巧。)

2. He keeps on complaining about the same thing every day. (他每天不停地抱怨同樣的事情。)


- "Keep doing sth" 給人壹種自然、流暢的感覺,用於描述常規或習慣性的行為。

- "Keep on doing sth" 往往帶有壹種堅持或決心的語氣,用於強調堅持做某事或面對困難時的堅持。

▲ 例子:

1. She keeps smiling, no matter what happens. (無論發生什麽,她都保持微笑。)

2. Despite the challenges, they kept on fighting for their dreams. (盡管面臨挑戰,他們堅持為夢想而戰。)


- "Keep doing sth" 在英語中較為常見,可以用於正式和非正式場合。

- "Keep on doing sth" 也常見於口語,但略微非正式,更常見於口頭對話中。

▲ 例子:

1. Please keep your belongings secure while on the bus. (在乘坐公***汽車時,請確保妳的物品安全。)

2. Keep on trying, and you'll eventually succeed. (繼續努力,最終妳會成功的。)