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“recipe”/'r?s?pi/ ,其本意是“菜譜”,它常常可以被引申為表示導致某個結果的“原因” “必備因素”。在壹些場景中,我們可以用它來替換 cause,lead to 這些表示“導致”的表達。英英釋義:a way of doing something that will produce a particular result

recipe 常接介詞 for,後面跟的名詞可以是正向含義的,比如 success,happiness,這時 recipe 可以理解為“ 訣竅 ”;也可以是有負向意義的名詞,比如 failure,disaster,chaos。


① 比如我們想說成功的關鍵是要有好主意和執行力,我們就可以說:

Good ideas with great execution are a recipe for success.

② 比如我們想說光有雄心壯誌,但是沒有行動,到頭來註定要失敗,就可以說:

Ambition without action is a recipe for failure.

③ 我們常說“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 其實說的就是保持健康的配方,就是要吃有營養的食物。這時我們就可以把它改編成:

Eating nutrition-rich food is a recipe for good health.

這期的《經濟學人》在點評美國的中期選舉時就用到了 recipe。中期選舉後,美國國會分裂,***和黨和民主黨分別掌管參眾兩院,《經濟學人》認為這種分裂會導致壹系列問題:

In a country where one chamber of the legislature is based on population and the other on territory, this division is a recipe for gridlock, poor governance and, eventually, disenchantment with the political system itself.



動詞(verb) + recipe

recipe +?動詞(verb)?

to a recipe? 按照… 做法:The dish is made to a traditional Italian recipe. 這道菜是用傳統的意大利做法制成的。 ~ for 做…的方法:a recipe for leek soup 做韭菜湯的方法(figurative) To live every day to the full is a recipe for happiness. 快樂的秘訣就是每天都活得充實。 a recipe for disaster/success 導致災禍的原因;成功的訣竅



A strong willingness to learn and practice is the recipe for English fluency.

The recipe for English fluency requires a strong willingness to learn and practice.


造句:?That the middle-aged woman had assaulted the driver is the recipe for disaster of Chongqing bus.