當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 有沒有人知道singulate是什麽意思啊?各種字典都查過,還沒結果。請熱心人幫幫忙啊,急用!






1\The K5000 is a manual feed multiple blade depanelizer designed to singulate up to 10 scorelines per panel in one pass. The PCB to be singulated is placed onto the edge belt input conveyor and drawn into the depanelizer section. Singulated boards are output into a tray or onto a conveyor belt. Call or e-mail for detail PDF file.

2\An agile workcell has been developed for light mechanical assembly in collaboration with industrial sponsors. The workcell includes multiple Adept robots, a Bosch conveyor system, multiple flexible parts feeders at each robot's workstation, CCD cameras for parts feeding and hardware registration, and a dual VMEbus control system. Our flexible pairs feeder design uses multiple conveyors to singulate the parts and machine vision to locate them. Specialized hardware is encapsulated on modular grippers and modular worktables which can be quickly interchanged for assembly of different products. Object-oriented software (C++) running under VxWorks, a real-time operating system, is used for workcell control. An agile software architecture was developed for rapid introduction of new assemblies through code re-use. A simulation of the workcell was developed so that controller software could be written and tested off-line, enabling the rapid introduction of new products .