We have devoted many parents love, our life, our joy, it is undeniable that they are given. Nothing could be more beautiful.
But the great love, there will be frustration. We have a heated argument with them, we Shuaimen while walking, we are emotional downturn. Them? They will be sighs through, which has kept the "hey," which has kept full of the love for us.
Is not it? Otherwise they are not wrong, but for us there should not be assumed that all errors. Should the they do not love you, how can they be issued for you, "hey" sound? It is because they care about, because they understand, because they care, they have a sigh ah!
Each out "hey" are their entire life devoted to our love.I am referring to love: not just love, where have I am referring to love: not just a friendship where only. I mean love, and only they, and only parents can make you feel real love.