我通過查找上述詞(The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English),意思如下:
1) refute:prove (statement, opinions, etc.) to be wrong or mistaken;
2) refuse:say "no" to (a request or a offer); show unwillingness to accept (sth. offered), to do (sth. that one is asked to do)。例句:refuse a gift; refuse to help; refuse one's consent;
3) reject:refuse to accept. 例句:refuse an offer of help;
我還是偏向於答案“A”。理由是“prove (statement, opinions, etc.) to be wrong or mistaken”中的“opinion”與原文中的“idea”壹致。再有,dismiss意思為:put away from the mind; stop thinking or talking about sth.(查自上述詞典)。所以,我考慮答案 “A” 是正確的。