當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 翻譯達人請進,幾個出自英文格鬥資料中的句子,語義拿不準,請務必準確!


MMA 綜合格鬥技嗎? ^_^

1. Extended arm punches and strikes in long-range combative, like those in medium-range combative should be directed at vital points and nerve motor points

1. 延長臂拳和遠距離打鬥中,跟中距離打擊壹樣應在重要的點和神經運動點攻擊.

2. It is essential to put the entire body mass in motion behind long-range strikes.

2. 把整個體重應用在遠距離打擊是必不可少的。

The defender drives a heel kick into the attacker’s groin with his full body mass behind it。
