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另外,內燃機 Inner combustion engine 也可以簡單的稱為 engine ,兩者都是可以的。

斷後延伸率也可以簡單稱為延伸率,用percentage of elongation也可以。


斷後延伸率(延伸率): Specific elongation

斷面收縮率 Reduction of area


沖擊功 Impacting Energy

退火狀態 Annealing state

低倍組織 Low Power Structure

低倍組織(級)Low Power Structure (Grade)

壹般疏松 General looseness

中心疏松 Central looseness

偏析 Segregation

壹般點狀偏析 General spot-segregation

邊緣點狀偏析 Edge spot-segregation

熱頂鍛 Hot Forging

熱軋 Hot rolled.

鋼鐵的型號 Steel(iron) Specification

爐號 Stove Number

探傷 Inspection

金相組織 Metallogrophic structure

外圓直徑公差 Outer Diameter Tolerance

外圓圓柱度 Outer diameter cylindricity

外圓表面粗糙度 Outer Ring surface roughness

心部硬度 Core hardness

外圓滲碳層深度 Carbonized Layer Depth of Outer Ring

內孔滲碳層深度 Carbonized Layer Depth of inner hole

內孔直徑公差 Diameter Tolerance of inner hole

內燃機 Inner combustion engine

樣本大小字碼 Sample size code letter


The outer ring should not show pitting spots, mottles, notches, corrosion, and grinding defects, and the surface of the inner hole should not show oxide scale, corrosion, and foreign matters.