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cheat sheet是什麽?是備忘錄嗎?

Cheat Sheet,這裏面有個Cheat(欺騙),想當然的話,意思肯定不好。事實上,這Cheat Sheet 的原意的確也就是“小抄”的意思。所以,字典的定義是:“A piece of paper with information written down on it that an unethical person might create if they weren't prepared for a test.”(由於對考試準備不足,夾帶寫著考試內容的紙條,此為品行不高的人所為。)然而,曾幾何時,Cheat Sheet這個說法走出了貶義的陰影,成為“簡單說明、步驟說明書”。如:We asked the IBM Engineer to develop a cheat sheet for this machine. 我們要求 IBM 公司的工程師給我們搞個簡單的機器操作說明書。The cheat sheet was attached to the package of the fancy camera. 說明書就貼在高級照相機的包裝盒上。