當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - gasping for air和gasping air有什麽區別?為什麽要用介詞for呢?

gasping for air和gasping air有什麽區別?為什麽要用介詞for呢?

gasping air貌似沒有gasp for air 表示喘氣的意思gasp是喘氣的意思嘛,gasp for air就是氣喘籲籲

gasp for sth 表示渴望什麽東西

比如gasp for water

Autopsy: Gasping For Air

所屬專輯:Severed Survival

Tightening grip around the neck

Gasping for air that isn't there

Feeling life's source draining away

Slowly slipping to God you pray

Eyes popping out, as the face turns blue

Crushed windpipe, swallowing in blood

Hopeless thoughts, loss of breath

Loss of life, strangled to death

Digging the grave in which you will lie

Buried head deep and left to die

Body paralyzed beneath the sand

Tide comes in...Asphyxiation

Watrlogged corpse, Back from the dead

Rips the eyeballs from his head

Snapping neck, blood pours down

Decapitated body rotting away

Gasping for air

Gasping for air


n.空氣,樣子,天空,空中,曲調 vt.晾幹,使通風,宣揚,誇耀,顯示

air為小學詞匯 詞頻:544


動詞過去式:aired 過去分詞:aired 現在分詞:airing 第三人稱單數:airs

insubstantiality nothingness nothing no part no quantity no thing naught nil nullity zero cipher no one nobody not a one no such thing none in the world nothing whatever nothing at all nothing on earth not a whit nonentity flash in the pan shadow phantom dream imagination air thin air vapor baselessness hollowness blank void absence inanity fool's paradiseinsubstantial baseless groundless ungrounded without foundation having no foundation imaginary immaterial spectral dreamy shadowy ethereal airy formed illusory unreal vacant vacuous empty eviscerated blank hollow nominal null inane 相關詞1. Open the window and air the room.


2. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if a train entered this tunnel, it would draw in fresh air behind it.


3. I used to travel by air a great deal when i was a boy.


4. I am used to traveling by air and only on one occasion have i ever felt frightened.


5. A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a royal air force station nearby.


6. Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.


7. Seeing a cake flying through the air, a lorry driver who was drawing up alongside the car, pulled up all of a sudden.


8. Assuming that his family had been killed during an air raid, hans settled down in a village fifty miles away where he had remained ever since.


9. If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete it would be equally possible to insure yourself in the event of bad weather.


10. People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air.


air牛津現代英漢雙解詞典/e?(r); ?r/

n 1 [U] mixture of gases surrounding the earth and breathed by all land animals and plants 空氣

*Let's go out for some fresh air. 咱們出去呼吸點兒新鮮空氣吧.

2 [U]

(a) the earth's atmosphere; open space in this 大氣; 天空

*the birds of the air 天空的鳥

* be in the open air 露天.

(b) the earth's atmosphere as the place where aircraft fly 空中

*send goods by air 空運貨物

* travel by air, ie in an aircraft 乘飛機

* The site of the old fort is clearly visible from the air. 古堡的遺址在空中看得很清楚.

* [attrib 作定語] air travel, transport, traffic, freight 航空旅行, 運輸, 交通, 貨運.

3 [C] impression given; appearance or manner 給人的印象; 外貌; 態度

*smile with a triumphant air 帶著勝利神情的微笑

* do things with an air, ie confidently 很神氣地(有信心地)做事情

* The place has an air of mystery (about it), ie looks mysterious. 那地方有壹種神秘的氣氛(環繞著).

4 [C] (dated 舊) melody; tune 旋律; 曲調

*Bach's Air on a G String 巴赫的G弦之歌.

5 [C] (dated 舊) light wind; breeze 微風; 和風.

6 (idm 習語) ,airs and `graces (derog 貶) affected manner intended (usu unsuccessfully) to make one appear a very refined person 矯揉造作; 惺惺作態. a breath of fresh air => breath. castles in the air => castle. a change of air/climate => change2. clear the air => clear3. give oneself/put on `airs behave in an unnatural or affected way in order to impress others 裝模作樣; 裝腔作勢. hot air => hot. in the `air

(a) in circulation; current 在流傳中; 流行的

*There's (a feeling of) unrest in the air. 四處充滿了不安(的感覺).

(b) uncertain; undecided 未確定的; 懸而未決的

*Our plans are still (up) in the air. 我們的計劃仍懸而未決. in the open air => open1. light as air/as a feather => light3. ,on/,off the `air broadcast(ing)/not broadcast(ing) on radio or television (無線電或電視)廣播[停播]

*This channel comes on the air every morning at

7 am. 這個頻道每天早晨7點鐘開始播放.

* We'll be off the air for the summer and returning for a new series in the autumn. 我們將於夏季停播而於秋季開始播放壹套新節目. ,take the `air (dated or fml 舊或文) go out of doors in order to enjoy the fresh air 到戶外呼吸新鮮空氣. tread on air => tread. vanish, etc into thin air => thin. with one's nose in the air => nose1.

/e?(r); ?r/

v [Tn]

1 (a) put (clothing, etc) in a warm place or the open air in order to make it quite dry 晾(衣物等); 晾乾.

(b) let air into (a room, etc) to cool or freshen it 通風; 透風.

2 express (an idea, a complaint, etc) publicly 公開表示(意見, 不滿等)

*air one's views, opinions, grievances, etc 述說自己的看法, 意見, 冤情等

* He likes to air his knowledge, ie let others see how much he knows. 他喜歡炫耀自己的知識.