n.
May,
fifth
month,
fifth
month
of
the
Gregorian
calendar
五月的花兒紅呀麽紅似火。Red
as
fire
are
the
flowers
that
bloom
in
May.
本雜誌五月號將刊載該故事的動人續篇。The
May
number
of
the
magazine
will
contain
an
exciting
continuation
of
the
story.
這條鐵路至遲五月通車。This
railway
will
be
opened
to
traffic
in
May
at
the
latest.
剛五月,天氣竟然這麽熱。It’s
only
May,
yet
it’s
already
so
hot.
這本字典將在五月底發行。This
dictionary
will
be
published
at
the
end
of
May.