當前位置:成語大全網 - 新華字典 - 機械類 英語翻譯 可以接受字典翻譯 但請麻煩手工改準確些

機械類 英語翻譯 可以接受字典翻譯 但請麻煩手工改準確些

A. Production Capacity: 生產能力

a. Capacity:300,000 Caps per hr. 容量:300000金屬蓋每小時

b. Shift: Two shifts per day 轉換:兩次每天

c. AnnualWorking days: 300 days.


A. Requirementof the Crown Cap Machines:金屬蓋生產設備需求

1. AutomaticPress (Double action Mechanical sheet press for production of crown capsuitable for multi punch mould. The manufacturing process consists of takingmetal tin plate as well as tin free steel cutting it.)


- Machineshould be equipped with:機械應該裝備:

- Mechanicalby-pass double –sheet detector.機械通過式雙層葉片檢測裝置

- Electricaloverturned sheet control system detector.電動葉片傾翻和控制裝置

- Halfstroke automatic compensation system半沖程自動補充系統?

- Lowercarriage desmodromic compensation system低通過連控軌道補充系統

- Pneumaticclutch/brake unit allowing inching, single stroke and continuous operationsequence啟動手柄和剎車,允許微調、單沖程和連續的操作

- Automaticintermittent feed system for sheet.自動化間歇性餵片系統

- Pressautomatic lubrication unit with oil flow control.可控油自動潤滑系統

- Pressshock absorbers壓力減震器

- Capconveyor belt (with optional right/left exit)金屬蓋傳動裝置(左右出口可選)

- Palletizerfor nets堆垛裝置

- PLCautomation and control system可編程邏輯控制器

- PCoperator interface PC控制界面

- Automaticcontinuous sheet feeder自動化餵片系統

- Airconditioning system inside the electric cabin.電子艙內部空調系統

- Maximumproduction – 300,000 crown/hr or more.最大產量:每小時至少3000000

- Maximumblanking diameter – 45 mm最大空白間歇:45毫米

- Maximumcap height – 6.63 mm金屬蓋最大高度:6.63毫米
