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China’s education system is deeply unfair(Excerpts)

Jun 4th 2016

NO CAR may? honk? nor lorry? rumble? near secondary schools on the two days next week when students are taking their? university entrance exams, known as gaokao . Teenagers have been cramming for years for these tests, which they believe (with justification) will determine their entire future. Yet it is at an earlier stage of education that an individual’s life chances in China are usually mapped out, often in ways that are deeply unfair.

Notice :


1 . n. a loud noise made by a car horn or goose ,雁叫聲;汽車的喇叭聲。

2 .? v If a car horn or a goose honks, it makes a loud noise: (使)發出雁叫似的聲音,鳴(喇叭),按(喇叭)


1 . v.?to make a series of long low sounds, especially a long distance away from you: 隆隆作響;(車輛)轆轆行駛

2 . n. a series of long low sounds. 隆隆聲,轆轆聲

University entrance exams, known as gaokao.:高考



To give more students access to higher education, the government has increased its investment in the? sector? five fold since 1997. The number of universities has nearly doubled. In 1998 46% of secondary-school graduates went on to university. Now 88% of them do. About 7m people—roughly one-third of those aged between 18 and 22—now gain entry to some form of higher institution each year.

Sector:one of the?areas?into which the?economic?activity?of a?country?is divided


例句:In the?financial?sector,?banks?and?insurance?companies?have both?lost?a lot of money.在金融領域,銀行和保險公司都損失嚴重。

在這壹段中,重點提到了國家對於中國學生上學的難題采取的措施,大量的數字羅列。Increase, double, roughly等是描述數據的時候十分常見的詞匯。


China’s universities offer more opportunity for? social mobility? than those in many other countries, says James Lee of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. But the social backgrounds of those admitted have been changing. Until 1993, more than 40% of students were the children of farmers or factory workers. Now universities? are crammed with? people from wealthy, urban backgrounds. That is partly because a far bigger share of young people are middle-class. But it is also because rural Chinese face bigger hurdles getting into them than they used to.

Social mobility :the?ability?to?move?from one?level?of?society?to another (個人從壹個社會階層轉向另壹個社會階層的)社會流動


The problem lies with inequality of access to senior high schools, which take students for the final three years of their secondary education. Students from rural backgrounds who go to such schools perform as well in the university entrance exams as those from urban areas. But most never get there. Less than 10% of young people in the countryside go to senior high schools compared with 70% of their urban counterparts. The result is that a third of urban youngsters complete? tertiary education , compared with only 8% of young rural adults.

Tertiary education :education?at college or university?level:高等教育,大學教育

例句:More than 60% of American high school?graduates?start?some?form?of?tertiary education.



The problem lies with inequality of access to senior high schools, which take students for the final three years of their secondary education. Students from rural backgrounds who go to such schools perform as well in the university entrance exams as those from urban areas.定於從句與狀語從句組成的復合句,雖然在理解上可能會產生壹定難度,但兩個句子本身難度不大。….which…引導非限定性定語從句, as…as句型用來比較城市和鄉村的區別。語法結構明晰,易於分析。

One reason is that junior high schools in the countryside are far weaker? academically? than urban ones. Local governments invest less in them per student than they do in cities. Urban parents tend to be better educated and thus better able to help children with their studies. Rural pupils often suffer from a “poverty of expectations”, says Jean Wei-Jun Yeung of the National University of Singapore: they are not encouraged to think they can succeed, so they do not try to.

Academically:?學術上; 理論上。






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