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Ninth, Bank of China (center good building)

The original address is the German general meeting, 1,936demolisions, constructs the Bank of China building. The building forthe steel portal frame construction, altogether 17 (underground 2),male and designs by the English business with Chinese designerLu Qianshou, sets up the surface is the early modernist school styletogether, outlines the construction outline by the vertical line, alsodissolves into the Chinese tradition construction style. The outerwall builds with the domestically produced granite, the roof uses thegentle four directions to drill covers the green glazed tile,the eave department serves with the stone dougong decoration, theparapet pattern and the window lattice also uses the traditionaldecoration, each two sides have hollow out "the long-lived shapedesign. Above the front door decorated with Kong Zi travelled aroundthe row country stone carving (already to destroy), outside the gatehad 9 levels of stone steps, matched by 2 leaf of red copper designsdecorative carving front door. In the hall the ceiling two sides hadEight Immortals to cross ocean the decorative carving (already todestroy). The building equipment excellent, underground constructs hasthe advanced safe-deposit vaults. The building internal installationhas elevator 14, but also some sheath master clock, accuratelyguarantees the time to be consistent.

Tenth, (now foreign trade building)

This line from opens at the beginning of the port to supposethis, the present building is the Republic of China 9 year thirdconstruction. The construction imitates the England Renaissance timeform, with Krensi . Sets up surface general 1 ~ 2 is a group, 3~ 5 for another group, form the horizontal shape constructiongraticule, 1 ~ 2 windows and doors completely use the semicircle, matches makes the construction cover by the rough bulk surfacegranite, has the thick Roman big construction elegant demeanour. 3buildings have the balcony, 3 ~ 5 buildings columns flankrespectively has the stone carving window frame. The buildingdecoration is fine, the window all around has the many kinds ofdecorative carvings, both sides the main entrance has a pair of bigwall lamp, 2 buildings central have a decorative carving. Theentire construction gives the person by to be elegant, simple, thebright feeling. In 1983 extended 2.

11th, Bank of Indochina (now East building)

The building constructs in the Xuantong Period three years. Thebuilding by the main entrance primarily spool thread, forms two sidesymmetries, the outer wall outlines the smooth line with the stonecover. 2 like the Asian great column linking up 2, obviouslyhas displayed the horizontal triadic division, the first floor baselevel and the above key bed proportion harmonious, causes the entirebuilding balance, to be symmetrical, appears the France Renaissancetime the construction characteristic; Simultaneously the building usesmany Pakistan Locker technique: 2 buildings porch type balconies, onthe window frame the densely covered decoration, the crown leaves theeave to have the fine carving, above the entrance arched entrance hasthe tune striation to break off the wild flower decorative carving andso on. Harmonious, symmetrical, beautiful, is solemn is this buildingprominent merit.

12th, English consulate

The original English leading bureau office building suffers thefire in the Tongzhi nine years to burn down, the present building isthe Tongzhi 11 years reconstruction. Becomes in the present Bundarchitectural complex to construct most early, the preserved completebuilding. It is a model England Renaissance time construction styleconstruction. The Renaissance style construction emphasis leveldivision, is fastidious neatly in the construction outline,unification and orderliness. Forms harmoniously, is symmetrical,bright, the simple style. The English consulate's horizontal linegives the person by the prominent impression, the level to thick eave,level to the waist, causes the entire building to appear the balance,symmetrically, solemn, is thick.