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A giraffe is the highest animal in the world. It has two long legs. The most difficult thing for the giraffe to do is to drink because its legs are so long that it has to stretch its legs to very uncomfortable level to lower its head. A giraffe likes to eat leaves of the high tree.。



luhan eyes are the stars, as if the world's most pure and clear, the most strikingly raw light crystal ball was inserted into the eyes of the youth let a person feel eyes bright, clear and clean. The height of 1.78 cm hold up the world of reed.



He was a handsome but gentle boy, his smile innocent and kind, can melt snow and ice




英文版(Red, green garden, beautiful spring scenery, I walk among them, swim the great scenes and let fancy free, coke also. Leaning against a tree a little rest, suddenly heard form of deer, moans flowing, Fu and, o 'clock to shoot, extremely poor. Yu to jean-marie le pen into the palace garden, the well them captive, keep it forever, also it may be said of her love. But wild animals don't livestock in home, so the deer in the park, not its freedom, Jude the inmates of the prison, and also not find forgiveness may not be up. ZhuangZiYun: ning its born tailing in coating, the bony for your also reluctant to his death)

5.the deer英文詩講的什麽內涵

這首著名的贊美曲是由 Martin J. Nystrom 在1981年根據 《詩篇》42:1 譜寫的, 旋律優美。

1981年夏,Martin J. Nystrom(1957-?)是壹個中學教師,他打算去德州達拉斯,參加萬國歸主學院為期六周的暑期進修班;沒料到適逢航空公司員工罷工,於是他改搭火車。自芝加哥到達拉斯,是三天漫長辛苦的旅途。大家到此就讀,是搜尋靈命的提升,而Martin J. Nystrom則註目在年輕的女孩身上,希望能邂逅到壹個理想的對象,但未能如願。這陌生的環境令他意亂迷茫,且萬國歸主學院的嚴謹,使他覺得還不如在母校 oral Roberts大學。他在大學時,曾參與事奉,但心靈上從未渴望過神,事奉的動機是贏人的贊許。德州地域廣大,夏日酷熱,如果他手中有壹張回程票,真想就此回家。有壹位室友邀請Martin參加他們三周的長期禁食,以使眼目清新,清楚他們的遠景。

禁食期間,廚房的水是他唯壹的充饑。Martin回憶說:“壹開始禁食,我就整個被破碎,神開始逐漸釋放我。我發覺自己對世上的情欲逐漸淡漠;而我的心靈渴望與神親近,則與日俱增。自我做基督徒以來,我第壹次衷心地用詩篇42:1'神阿,我的心切慕妳,如鹿切慕溪水。'向神禱告。”禁食的第十九天,納斯君坐在男生宿舍的壹臺音調不準的鋼琴旁,奏唱不同的詩篇和贊美短歌。 就在那時,神賜給了他這首如鹿切慕,那天他不斷地唱這首詩歌。有人問他:“為什麼這首詩的前段用聖經舊譯本文字,而後段則用現代的文字?”他回答說:“作為寫作者,文句應該劃壹,但當時我先想到的是聖經經句,而後,不自覺地用我自己的文句來回應。”納斯君的友人鼓勵他把這首詩與主的崇拜者分享。今日,他的鉛筆的手稿,被放在鏡框中,懸於萬國歸主學院的廳廊。

1983年,Martin J. Nystrom訂婚後,任教於萬國歸主學院的紐約分校。許多學生成了贊美短歌的作者。1988年,Martin出任純全音樂(Integrity Music)詩歌推廣部的經理。他己作了八十多首詩歌。這首詩歌在基督教版權執照(Christian Copyright Licensing Inc.)中,被列為前二十五名最暢銷的歌。

6.梅花鹿 英語作文50詞

I am a deer, my hometown is on the edge of a forest, flowers in full bloom in the summer, fog in the forest slowly flowing, twisted every tree red spruce, to see a fairy long streamers. The cold winter, the trees are in a world of ice and snow in the snow, like a white tree, especially pine.。

7.英文基督教詩歌As the deer像鹿渴慕清涼溪水的英文曲譜

我想妳也是基督徒吧,幫妳找了找,妳可以上www.GOOLE.COM上搜索壹下As the deer,畢竟是英文的歌曲,英文的網站好找,我找到了下面的英文歌詞不知是不是妳想要的,

As The Deer

As the deer panteth for the water

So my soul longeth after Thee

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship Thee


You alone are my strength, my shield

To You alone may my spirit yield

You alone are my heart's desire

And I long to worship Thee

You're my friend and You are my brother

Even though You are a king

I love You more than any other

So much more than anything


I want You more than gold or silver

Only You can satisfy

You alone are the real joy giver

And the apple of my eye


