The Little Plant
In the heart of a seed,
Buried deep so deep,
A tiny plant
Lay fast asleep.
"Wake," said the sunshine,
"And creep to the light."
"Wake," said the voice
Of the raindrops bright.
The little plant heard
And it rose to see,
What the wonderful,
Outside world might be.
A Daffodil
A little yellow cup,
A little yellow frill,
A little yellow star,
And that's a daffodil.
Sunflower, sunflower, standing straight and tall,
Sunflower, sunflower, you're the tallest flower of them all!
Sunflower, sunflower, when your seeds fall to the ground,
Sunflower, sunflower, by the squirrels they'll be found!
2.有關動植物的英文詩歌The Tiger TIGER tiger burning bright In the forests of the night What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry?In what distant deeps or skies 5 Burnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire?And what shoulder and what art Could twist the sinews of thy heart?10 And when thy heart began to beat What dread hand and what dread feet?What the hammer?what the chain?In what furnace was thy brain?What the anvil?What dread grasp 15 Dare its deadly terrors clasp?When the stars threw down their spears And water'd heaven with their tears Did He smile His work to see?Did He who made the lamb make thee?20 Tiger tiger burning bright In the forests of the night What immortal hand or eye Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?威廉布萊克的《老虎》。
3.關於花草的英語小詩很短壹點點就可以了2篇就太感謝了The Wild Flower's SongAs I wander'd the forest, The green leaves among, I heard a wild flower Singing a song. I slept in the Earth In the silent night, I murmur'd my fears And I felt delight. In the morning I went As rosy as morn, To seek for new joy; But O! met with scorn.。
4.關於描寫植物的英語作文Plants Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot do so. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. Therefore, animals and man need plants in order to live. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many types of plants. Some plants are large while others are small. Most plants are green. There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and nonflowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems①, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits. Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees, mosses, liver-worts, algae and fungi. You cannot see many nonflowering plants around you. Most plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores. Spores are very, very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shady② places, they usually grow into new plants.。
The Elephant(大象)
As an elephant his ivory,
My mouth holds a precious good.
Crimson death! . . . I buy my glory.
My coin is a gorgeous word.
The Dove(鴿子)
Dove, the spirit and the love
Who engendered Christ above,
Like you, I love a Marie.
May she marry me!
The Little Plant
In the heart of a seed,
Buried deep so deep,
A tiny plant
Lay fast asleep.
"Wake," said the sunshine,
"And creep to the light."
"Wake," said the voice
Of the raindrops bright.
The little plant heard
And it rose to see,
What the wonderful,
Outside world might be.
A Daffodil
A little yellow cup,
A little yellow frill,
A little yellow star,
And that's a daffodil.
Sunflower, sunflower, standing straight and tall,
Sunflower, sunflower, you're the tallest flower of them all!
Sunflower, sunflower, when your seeds fall to the ground,
Sunflower, sunflower, by the squirrels they'll be found!
6.關於植物成長的英語句子The best and the worst 最好的和最差的
Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for 'The Nicest Garden Competition' each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith's garden is larger than Joe's. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe's garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!
7.壹段描寫植物的、要用英文的、Mount Fuji (Fujisan) is with 3776 meters Japan's highest mountain. It is not surprising that the nearly perfectly shaped volcano has been worshipped as a sacred mountain and experienced big popularity among artists and common people.
Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano, which most recently erupted in 1708. It stands on the border between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on clear days.
The easiest way to view Mount Fuji is from the train on a trip along the Tokaido Line between Tokyo and Osaka. If you take the shinkansen from Tokyo in direction of Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka, the best view of Mount Fuji can be enjoyed from around Shin-Fuji Station on the right hand side of the train, about 40 to 45 minutes after leaving Tokyo.
Note however, that clouds and poor visibility often block the view of Mount Fuji, and you have to consider yourself lucky if you get a clear view of the mountain. Visibility tends to be better during the colder seasons of the year than in summer, and in the early morning and late evening hours.
If you want to enjoy Mount Fuji at a more leisurely pace and from a nice natural surrounding, you should head to the Fuji Five Lake (Fujigoko) region at the northern foot of the mountain, or to Hakone, a nearby hot spring resort.
Mount Fuji is officially open for climbing during July and August via several routes.
8.寫壹篇以植物為題,不少於五句話,用英語寫玫瑰的,自己挑5句話Rose is the most popular flower all over the world.It has colourful petals,green leaves and small thorns along the stem.Because of it's beautiful colours and lovely smell,rose is considered as the most romantic flower that suitable to be a gift for girls.There are many types of rose according to the colours,which include the most traditional red,pink,white,yellow and the most recently blue.Different colours of rose carry different meanings.Rose's price is not very expensive but can't be considered as cheap also.The price is flexible depending on season and festival.During valentine's day,the price of rose will rises since the sale of this day is the highest around the whole year.I like rose,because of its beauty,I hope everyone in the world can be as beautiful as rose!。
9.有關於植物的英語文章The introduction of our school This is something about the vivarium in my school.It is in the south-west of my president's room. The area of arboretum is about 1000 square metre.And the school is gorgeous.The vivarium is used for fun and study.It established 20 years ago.And rebuilding in 2008. I'm looking forward to play in it more often. [校長西南角。
二十年的歷史。2008年重健 .] 植物 內容提示 根據下面內容要點寫壹篇有關植物分類的文章: ①植物是非常重要的生物;沒有植物,生命就無法維持。
動物和人的食物來源於植物和其他動物。 ②植物可以利用空氣、水和陽光制造養料,而人和動物則不能。
③植物的種類繁多,但主要可分為兩大類,即開花植物(flowering plants)和不開花植物(nonflowering plants)。 ④開花植物有根、莖、葉、花和果。
我們周圍所有的樹木大都是開花植物。 ⑤不開花植物在我們周圍見不到多少,它們是些針葉樹、苔蘚、歐龍牙草之類。
以下詞語供參考: 1.coniferous a.針葉樹的 2.moss n.苔蘚;地衣3.liver-wort n.歐龍牙草 4.algae n.水藻;海藻 5.fungi n.真菌 6.spore n.孢子 作文示範 Plants Plants are very important living things. Life could not go on if there were no plants. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot do so. Animals get their food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. Therefore, animals and man need plants in order to live. If you look carefully at the plants around you, you will find that there are many types of plants. Some plants are large while others are small. Most plants are green. There are two main types of plants: flowering plants and nonflowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems①, leaves, flowers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are flowering plants. You can probably recognize some plants from their flowers or their fruits. Nonflowering plants include coniferous trees, mosses, liver-worts, algae and fungi. You cannot see many nonflowering plants around you. Most plants do not grow from seeds. They grow from spores. Spores are very, very small. Some spores are so small and light that they can float in the air. We may say that spores are quite similar to seeds. When these spores fall on wet and shady② places, they usually grow into new plants. 詞語解釋 ①stem [stem] n. 莖;(樹)幹;(葉)梗 ②shady['sheidi] a.背陰的;陰涼的 During millions of years of evolution2, ants have developed intriguing3 relationships with many different kinds of plants.Most of these associations4 are loose ones -- the ants find dwelling5 places on the plants,while bringing neither harm nor benefit to them. Often the ants live in hollow dead stems or small pockets of soil that accumulate6 on branches. Thus ants inhabit trees over our heads and herbs at our feet,carving out living chambers7 and foraging8 for food. As many as 72 different species of ants have been found living on one tree in Peru's Amazon Basin alone. 註釋: 1.profitable adj.有益的,有用的 2.evolution n.[生]進化,進化論 3.intriguing adj.引起好奇心(或興趣的),有迷惑力的 4.association n.友誼,夥伴關系 5.dwelling n.住處,住宅,寓所 6.accumulatevt.堆積,積聚 7.chambern.室,寢室 8.forage vi.搜尋 經過幾百萬年的進化,螞蟻與多種不同植物形成了十分有趣的關系。其中大多數關系並不緊密:螞蟻在植物上尋找居所,而並不給植物帶來利和害。
僅在秘魯的亞馬遜流域,壹棵樹上住的蟻類就達72種之多。 Dear Editor; We often say such a word: Life comes from water.And as is known to all, we mostly live on the sea, which ,for human, is a most important resourse of both food and production. However, it is obvious that every year various sea living things are getting less and less in large quantities. Some species have died out and some are coming to that. What causes this? The overusage of the resourses and the pollution of the waters should account for that, I think. If we don't yet do anything to deal with these, we'll be sure to lose at least half of our life. So I expect the whole world would pay more attention to the problem of sea livings. 現象:海洋動植物的數量正在減少,有些物種甚至滅絕了 原因:過度利用 水質汙染 結論:海洋環境問題亟需關註。
____白居易《大林寺桃花》竹外桃花三兩枝,春江水暖鴨先知。____蘇軾《惠崇春江晚景 / 惠崇春江曉景》不經壹番寒徹骨,怎得梅花撲鼻香。
____黃巢《題菊花》墻角數枝梅,淩寒獨自開。____王安石《梅花 / 梅》枝上柳綿吹又少。
____鄭燮《新竹》離離原上草,壹歲壹枯榮。____白居易《草 / 賦得古原草送別》接天蓮葉無窮碧,映日荷花別樣紅。