Missing a friend, it is a little painful, but sometimes it can be a type of happiness
Liking someone, the kind of light, like sharp pain from the needle, but addicting and mesmerizing feeling
It's true, liking someone is very painful, but how can this pain be comparable to the one when in love. Liking someone, but can't get close to her, is a memory with a taste of bitterness
Liking someone, even though she already liked someone, but whenever you see her being happy, isn't that also great?
Liking someone, of course you want her to be happy, you don't want her to feel down. Therefore, all you can do is to be far away, never go near her. you rather carry the small pain of longing, loneliness, a small feeling for everything.
Liking someone, even though you can't see her in person, maybe you will always be on the opposite ends on the world. But, that tiny pain can help you grow up.
How much of these things can a man have?
A small pain, it is also a good fortune. It helped me to learn how to control myself, my promise to a person. And her, she will also gives me thumbs up and said, "Not bad, Look like a man". Isn't that also great? There is no point to make this small pain of missing someone into something more complicated, something that no one will be able to endure, in the end....
Learning to appreciate the small pain, the small feeling of missing someone, small jealousy,envy, isn't it great?
The feeling of liking someone, it needs time to prove everything, learning to taste that small bitterness...