When darkness fell
I stood on the steps to listen to;
Stars swarm in the garden
I stood in the dark.
Listen to the sound of landing a star!
You do not walk barefoot in the grass,
My garden is full of star fragments.
給我的啟發:人做為大自然的壹種存在,在安靜的夜晚中,仰望星空,感受天地壹體。 妳所知道的最浪漫的英文詩歌是什麽?
From tomorrow on, I will be a happy person;
Grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world.
From tomorrow on, I will care foodstuff and vegetables,
I have a house,towards the sea, with spring flowers blossoming.從明天起,和每壹個親人通信
From tomorrow on, I will write to each of my dear ones,
Telling them of my happiness,
What the lightening of blessedness has told me,
I will spread it to each of them.
And give a warm name for every river and every mountain.陌生人,我也為妳祝福
Strangers, I will also give you my well-wishing.
May you have a brilliant future!
May you lovers eventually become spouse!
May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world!
我用這首詩參加外文朗誦大賽拿了壹等獎 。這是海子的面朝大海春暖花開 有些什麽好聽的英文詩? 急求!!! 壹首經典的英文詩 也是我最喜歡的:I saw the weep I saw the weep(我見過妳哭) the big bright tear(晶瑩的涙珠)came over that eye of blue(從藍眼睛滑落) and then methought it did appear(像壹朵夢中出現的紫羅蘭)a violet dropping dew(滴下清透的露珠)I saw the smile (我見過妳笑) the sapphires blaze(連藍寶石的光芒)beside the ceased to shine(也因妳而失色) it could not match the living rays(它怎能比得上在妳凝視的眼神中) that filld that glance of thine(閃現的靈活光彩)as clouds from yonder sun receive(就如同夕陽為遠方的雲朵)a deep and mellow dye(染上絢爛的色彩) which scarce the shade of coming eve(緩緩而來的暮色也不能) can banish from the sky(將霞光逐出天外)those smiles unto the moodiest mind(妳的笑容讓沈悶的心靈)their own pure joy impart(分享純真的歡樂) their sunshine leaves a glow behind(這陽光留下了壹道光芒) that lightens over the heart(照亮了心靈上空) 妳最喜歡的英文詩歌是哪壹首?