A. Take note of what I'm about to say
B. Noting that minor difference....
Define Note:
1. A brief record, especially one written down to aid the memory: took notes in class.
2. A brief informal letter. See Synonyms at letter.
3. A formal written diplomatic or official communication.
4. A comment or an explanation, as on a passage in a text.
1. To observe carefully; notice. See Synonyms at see1.
2. To make a note of; write down: noted the time of each arrival.
3. To show; indicate: a reporter careful to note sources of information.
4. To make mention of; remark: noted the lateness of his arrival.
妳同學的句子, 他用的是verb的note, 所以也是對的。 意思是"we" "note" “我們” “發現了;紀錄了”
we note a great lorde of Virginia to be nearly naked and covered in tribal tattoos.
可以這麽用, 但不是最好的用法。 sentence, 有點 awkward.
如果在這裏把note變成notice, 那就會暢順壹點。
但語法上來說; 沒有錯。 解釋也是壹樣,因為這裏用的note是‘verb’的那個。 所以也ok.
“Note” something "to be“ something 是壹個正確的句型來的。