這愛的故事 如此濃美
How beautiful is this love story
實叫人向往 又驚奇
Cause wonder and stir up deep longing
當妳從 地上 被高舉
This blood covenant unfolds
這血約 從此 揭起
When You were lifted up high
我見萬人 沿河歸向妳
I see thousands returning to You
這生命河 源自妳身體
River of Life streams from Your body
得救樂歌 四面揚起:
Victory songs resound all around us
「我必醫好妳 使妳痊愈」
I will heal you and make you whole
我見萬人 沿河歸向妳
I see thousands returning to You
這生命河 源自妳身體
River of Life streams from Your body
得救樂歌 四面揚起:
Songs of victory resound all around us
Behold! I will make all things new
新郎歌聲 在空中舞起:
The Bridegroom’s voice is in the air
「請進入 我肋旁創痕裏
Please enter in wounds of my side
我骨中骨 肉中的肉
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
我所珍愛顧惜 就是妳」
How I treasure and cherish you
新郎歌聲 在空中舞起:
The Bridegroom’s voice is in the air
「請進入 我肋旁創痕裏
Please enter in wounds of my side
我骨中骨 肉中的肉
Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
渴望將妳織進 我心裏」
I long to knit you into my heart
「我要賜妳 認識我的心
I will grant you a heart to know My Heart
這美麗 使妳奇妙驚喜
This beauty will fascinate you
我創造妳 是妳丈夫
I am your Maker and Husband
我以慈愛仁義 來聘妳」
I betroth you with mercy and grace
「我要賜妳 認識我的心
I will grant you a heart to know My Heart
這美麗 使妳奇妙驚喜
This beauty will fascinate you
我創造妳 是妳丈夫
I am your Maker and Husband
我以永遠的愛 來愛妳」
I will love you with an everlasting love
Covenant of Love
Mountains tremble and fall
Low hills can be removed
我的慈愛 不離開妳
But My Love will not leave you
我平安的約 也不遷移
My covenant of peace will not be moved
Heav’n & Earth may be no more
The World and Stars may fall
愛的血約 必永堅立
Love’s blood covenant still remains
聖潔烈火中 必來迎娶
I will come for my bride through Holy Fire