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The Lorelei

by Heinrich Heine

I know not whence it rises, This thought so full of woe; --- But a tale of the times departed Haunts me --- and will not go.

The air is cool, and it darkens, And calmly flows the Rhine; The mountain peaks are sparkling In the sunny evening-shine.

And yonder sits a maiden, The fairest of the fair; With gold is her garment glittering, And she combs her golden hair.

With a golden comb she combs it, And a wild song singeth she, That melts the heart with a wondrous And powerful melody.

The boatman feels his bosom With a nameless longing move; He sees not the gulfs before him, His gaze is fixed above.

Till over boat and boatman The Rhine's deep waters run; And this with her magic singing The Lore-Lei hath done !



不知道什麽緣故, 我是這樣的悲哀,壹個古代的童話,我總是不能忘懷。

天色晚,空氣清涼, 萊茵河靜靜地流, 落日的光輝 照耀著山頭。

那最美麗的少女 坐在上邊,神采煥發,金黃的首飾閃爍, 她梳理金黃的頭發。

她用金黃的梳子梳,還唱著壹支歌曲,這歌曲的聲調, 有迷人的魅力。


我知道,最後波浪 吞沒了船夫和小船;羅累萊用她的歌唱 造下了這場災難。