Wildfires burn born again when the spring breeze blows. Bai juyi fu have to GuYuan grass send-off "
夜來南風起,小麥覆隴黃。 白居易 《觀刈麥》
Tis night south wind up, two yellow with wheat. Bai juyi the view to mow wheat "
動枝生亂影,吹花送遠香。 虞世南 《詠風》
Dynamic branch of uproar, blow to spend send far sweet. YuShiNa "to sing the wind"
雲想衣裳花想容,春風拂檻露華濃。 李 白 《清平調》
Cloud want to want to let the clothes flower, spring breeze blows LouHuaNong trap. Lee white the qingping tone "
生無桃李春風面,名在山林處士家。 楊萬裏 《蘭花》
Born without plum spring breeze face, and the name ChuShi home in mountain forest. Reaction to the orchid "
只道花無十日紅,此花無日不春風。 楊萬裏 《臘前月季》
Only ten days red flower no way, this year.but spend the spring breeze. Reaction to the wax before Chinese rose "
愛惜芳心莫輕吐,且教桃李鬧春風。 元好問《 同兒輩賦未開海棠》
Spare the heart not light vomit, and teach it to escape the spring breeze. YuanHaoWen "did not start with ErBei fu hitom"
知細葉誰裁出,二月春風似剪刀。 賀知章 《詠柳》
Know fine leaf who cut out, February the spring breeze like scissors. HeZhiZhang "to sing liu"
沾衣欲濕杏花雨,吹面不寒楊柳風。 誌 南 《絕句》
Touch the wet clothes to XingHuaYu, blow cold noodles don't YangLiuFeng. Volunteers the rhyme of the south
爆竹聲中壹歲除,春風送曖入屠蘇。 王安石 《元日》
A SuiChu fireworks, the spring breeze send into TuSu warms. Wang anshi "YuanRi"
青箬笠,綠蓑衣,斜風細雨不須歸。 張誌和 《漁歌子》
Green RuoLi, green hemp fiber, XieFengXiYu need not be. In the YuGe child "
春風桃李花開日,秋雨梧桐葉落時。 白居易 《長恨歌》
Peach blossom spring day, when both the wutong leaves fall. Bai juyi changhen ge
天蒼蒼,野茫茫,風吹草低見牛羊。 樂 府 《敕勒歌》
Days old, wild boundless, the wind blow grass low see cattle and sheep. Le fu "ChiLeGe"
潮平兩岸闊,風正壹帆懸。 王 灣 《次北固山下》
Tidal flat cross-strait broadly, the wind is clients.owing suspended. The king bay the time north solid mountain "