當前位置:成語大全網 - 端午節詩句 - 感恩母親的英文詩歌


Mamma you gave life to me媽媽,妳賜予我生命 Turned a baby into a lady從寶寶蛻變淑女 And mamma all you had to offer was a promise of a lifetime of love 媽媽,真愛壹生是妳唯壹的承諾 Now I know there is no other love like a Mothers 如今,我知道,世間至愛也比不上母愛 Love for her child母親對小孩的愛 I know that love so plete someday must leave我知道,完美的母愛還是有離去的壹天 Must say goodbye終須壹聲再見 Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear'再見'是我聽過最感傷的話 Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near'再見!'這是我最後壹次擁抱妳 Someday you'll say that word and I will cry總有壹天,妳會說出壹聲'再見',而我將會哭泣 It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye聽妳說聲'再見'我會心傷 Mamma you gave love to me媽媽,妳賜予我真愛 Turned a young one into a woman從年輕少女蛻變成 *** 人 And Mamma all I ever needed was a guarantee of you loving me媽媽,我只要妳保證永遠愛我 Cause I know there is no other love like a mothers因為我知道,世間至愛也比不上母愛 Love for her child母親對小孩的愛 And it hurts so that something so strong someday'll be gone母愛如此濃烈卻有散去的壹天,真是讓人心痛 Must say goodbye終須壹聲再見 But the love you give will always live但是,妳付出的愛將會生生不息 You'll always be there every time I fall我跌倒的時候,妳總會扶持著我 You take my weakness and you make me strong我脆弱,妳讓我堅強 And I will always love you till forever es我會永遠愛妳,直到永恒 And when you need me妳需要我的時候 I'll be there for you always我會陪伴妳 I'll be there your whole life through我會陪伴妳,伴妳壹生 I'll be there through the lonely days我會陪伴妳,走過寂寞歲月 I'll be there what I promise you mamma媽媽,我會陪伴妳,這是我對妳的承諾 I'll be your beacon through the darkest night最黑的夜裏,我就是陪妳的路燈 I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight不順遂的旅程中,我就是指引妳的雙翼 I'll be your shelter through the raging storm狂風暴雨發生,我就是陪伴妳的庇護 And I will love you till forever es我會永遠愛妳,直到永恒 Goodbyes the saddest word I'll ever hear再見'是我聽過最感傷的話 Goodbyes the last time I will hold you near'再見!'這是我最後壹次擁抱妳 Someday you'll say that word and I will cry總有壹天,妳會說出壹聲'再見',而我將會哭泣 It'll break my heart to hear you say Goodbye聽妳說聲'再見'我會心傷 Till we meet again until then goodbye.我們會再次相見,但終將再見 媽媽,我愛您 媽媽,我噙得住淚 卻阻止不了時間的馬蹄 白雪刺痛了我的眼睛 在您的發間 在顫微的燈燭裏 我守護給我生命的您 抱抱我 在您的懷裏 我幸福地顫栗 我也抱緊您 用我不太強壯的臂膀 讓我們母女就這樣緊緊相依偎 我曾經是您的雞雛 在您的翅翼下躲避風雨 今天我卻寸草未報啊 風雨中的這把傘多麽無助 我無力給您驅雷雨 眼睜睜看著燈撚縮短 灼痛我的心 如果那個孩子不再長大 媽媽也不再老去 多好 時間的縫隙把您忘記 我們壹起走進叢林深處 遊刃地老天荒 永遠留住我生命起始的身體 時光的利器 綁架了我們, 身不由己 常回家看看,看看 給予我生命的母親 那就是給她的壹份愛 壹份欣慰 夜色中,祝福母親 此時,路燈已經休息 窗外壹片灰暗,正在走向深處的 夜色,壹點點地翻閱著 泛黃的相冊 此時,兒子正在酣睡 清香的呼吸,指著相冊右下角 淺黃色的圍巾,與糖果 有關的眼神 我想告訴妳,媽媽的後背 壹走壹搖晃中,數著我的香甜 數著緩慢的季節 數著我壹步壹步地走遠 妳長大後,妳也會走得更快 走得更遠,我也會像我的母親壹樣 只在舊式的庭院內,默默地守 著時間,等妳回來