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<<Moonlight River in Spring>>


> The River tide in spring and the vast sea-plane meets,

> A moon at the sea is rising up ,with the tide,

> Flickering waves flow thousand of miles,

> Wheresoever isn’t bright?

> Immense ocean current winds its way around the fragrant grassy marsland

> (芳甸)

> As it presents us with lovely dewdrops(珠) among flowering shurbs(花

> 林)

> Shooting frost falling down from altitude(高空) is unconscious

> An obscure sence on the sand-bar(汀)

> The water and the sea emerge into one color,with a clear and bright moon

> hung in the sky

> Who has seen its majestic view and when dose it emerge?

> Life continues from generations to another with non-stop(無窮)

> Always doesn’t the moon throughout the ages?(千秋)

> Alone feelings fill heavily in the air,in front of us just presents the

> River sets off the running water!

> Piles of clouds having a leisurely(悠閑) and carefree wander unsciously

> Endless worries on the Qing-pu store

> A lovely canoe pursuing(逐) with the tide is someone’s tonight!

> Has the ponder gone which distant land?

> Wandering is pitiful! moonlight illuminates(照) the divorced’s dressing

> table(梳妝臺)

> How lonely! inside of the jade curtain,

> Missing will come on the hammering block(砧)

> (I wish) I could chase after the spirits of the moon to meet my lover(愛

> 人)

> Time is making a wander as the wild goose(鴻雁) circles in the air

> frequently

> Fish are leaping out of the water and diving into peafully as presents

> lines(水紋)

> Many fallen flowers lie in profusion(繽紛) in the pool

> Why has’nt my lover been back?

> Running water brings the spring season to an end

> The setting moon glimmers over the water and sets in the west again

> Setting moon hides itself in the heavy sea fogs

> Between Jie-shi and Xiao-xiang is a long long way!

> Willing my darling(愛人) be back in the pure white moonshine?

> Trees sway gently ,on both sides of the River bank,

> the fallen moon

> 附:春江花月夜原文:

> 春江潮水連海平,海上明月***潮生。

> 灩灩隨波千萬裏,何處春江無月明?

> 江流宛轉繞芳甸,月照花林皆似霰。

> 空裏流霜不覺飛,汀上白沙看不見。

> 江天壹色無纖塵,皎皎空中孤月輪。

> 江畔何人初見月?江月何年初照人?

> 人生代代無窮已,江月年年只相似。

> 不知江月待何人,但見長江送流水。

> 白雲壹片去悠悠,青楓浦上不勝愁。

> 誰家今夜扁舟子?何處相思明月樓?

> 可憐樓上月徘徊,應照離人妝鏡臺。

> 玉戶簾中卷不去,搗衣砧上拂還來。

> 此時相望不相聞,願逐月華流照君。

> 鴻雁長飛光不度,魚龍潛躍水成文。

> 昨夜閑潭夢落花,可憐春半不還家。

> 江水流春去欲盡,江潭落月復西斜。

> 斜月沈沈藏海霧,碣石瀟湘無限路。

> 不知乘月幾人歸?落花搖情滿江樹。