1,Poor Frosty《可憐的雪人》
Once upon a time the Elf, Rudolph and Santa got into the hot bath tub, 曾經有壹次,小精靈,魯道夫和聖誕老人進了熱乎的浴盆,
As it would keep them from the cold outside, when they got a little scrub. 為了避寒,他們湊合著擦洗了壹番,
When Frosty saw what they were doing he laughed and poked fun at them,當他們稍微的擦洗了壹番,便被雪人看到了,雪人嘲笑他們,跟他們開起了玩笑。
Santa was so embarrassed and didn't know what to say to Frosty, his cutest gem. 聖誕老人覺得很丟臉,也不知道跟他最可愛的夥計說點啥。
So in his defence he told Frosty to enter the hot bath tub instead of finding flaws.為了挽回面子,他也讓雪人進熱浴盆,免得他有機會唧唧歪歪的。
He thought this would make Frosty realize what a cool idea it really was. 他腦子裏盤算著,得讓雪人知道進熱浴盆是個多酷的註意,
But when Frosty got in, the temperature of the tub changed from hot to cold,但是當雪人進去後,浴盆裏的空氣馬上從熱變冷了。
And within seconds the Elf, Rudolph and Santa froze. 沒兩分鐘,小精靈、魯道夫和聖誕老人都被凍住了。
They froze not just because it was too cold to bear,他們不是因為太冷被凍住的,
But they froze when they realized their culprit has melted in the hot tub there.而是因為那個讓他們石化的元兇在熱浴盆裏化了。
Poor Frosty! 可憐的雪人。
2,We Won't Have a Christmas This Year 《今年我們不過聖誕節了》
We won't have a Christmas this year, you say,妳說,今年我們不過聖誕節了,
For now the children have all gone away; 因為孩子都全部離開了;
And the house is so lonely, so quiet and so bare,家中很空,很靜,很孤單,
We couldn't have a Christmas that they didn't share. 有他們壹起分享,我們才算是真正的過聖誕節。
We won't have a Christmas this year, you sigh, 妳嘆息到,我們今年不過聖誕節了,
For Christmas means things that money must buy. 因為聖誕節已經變成了事物,必須用錢買的事物。
Misfortunes and illness have robbed us we fear,我們擔心,不幸和疾病降臨,
Of the things that we'd need to make Christmas this year. 把我們需要用來過聖誕節的東西都搶走了。
We won't have a Christmas this year you weep, 妳哭泣道,我們今年不過聖誕節了,
For a loved one is gone, and our grief is too deep; 因為所愛之人已逝,讓我們萬分悲痛;
It will be a long time before our hearts heal, 我們的心需要很長的時間來愈合,
And the spirit of Christmas again we can feel. 愈合後才能再次感受聖誕節的喜悅。
But if you lose Christmas when troubles befall, 但如果麻煩降臨使妳再也感受不到聖誕的喜悅,
You never have really had Christmas at all. 妳就沒有真正的過聖誕節。
For once you have had it, it cannot depart,只要妳曾經擁有過,它就不會失去,
When you learn that true Christmas is Christ in your heart. 如果妳體會到聖誕節的真正含義是--耶穌基督在妳心中。
3,The Real Reason 《聖誕節的真實含義》
Excitement and joy are filling the air; 空氣裏充滿了喜悅和興奮;
The lights add special decor. 燈飾增添了獨特的氣氛。
We're shopping for Christmas gifts everywhere,我們四處購置聖誕禮物,
But are gifts what Christmas is for?但聖誕節不是為了聖誕禮物。
The wreaths and the trees and the parties. 花環,聖誕派對和美麗的聖誕樹。
Aren't what we need to convey; 不是我們過節的初衷,
It's the birth of our Savior, Jesus, 過節是為紀念救世主,耶穌基督,
The real reason for this holiday. 這才是聖誕節的真諦。
4,For My Teacher At Christmas《?送給老師的聖誕詩》
Christmas vacation is great;聖誕節真愉快,
My time is mine to spend;我的時間由我主宰,
I can be with friends or watch TV;見朋友,看電視,
I wish it would never end.希望假期永不結束。
I don't miss school or homework;不想上學,不想做作業,
I really like to be free;悠哉自由真愜意,
But I'll miss you when I'm gone from school;但是放假時還是會想妳,
You're just what a teacher should be.因為妳真是個好老師,
So have a perfect Christmas; 所以祝妳聖誕節愉快;
Be sure to have lots of fun; 記得開心裝滿懷,
I look forward to seeing you again,假期結束返校時,
When Christmas vacation is done. 再次見面值得期待。
5,The Minstrels 《吟遊詩人》
The minstrels played their Christmas tune,吟遊詩人哼著他們的聖誕節曲調,
To-night beneath my cottage-eaves;今夜,在我的田舍小屋下。
While, smitten by a lofty moon,此時,高聳的月亮給予他們靈感,
The encircling laurels, thick with leaves,層層的月桂樹,覆蓋著葉子,
Gave back a rich and dazzling sheen,映射著飽滿眩目的光澤,
That overpowered their natural green.早已經超越了他們原有的顏色。
Through hill and valley every breeze:穿過山谷的每壹陣微風下沈收起翅膀:
Had sunk to rest with folded wings:風是那麽鋒利,但永不冷漠,
Keen was the air, but could not freeze,?也不核對,弦音聲聲,
Nor check, the music of the strings;壹層層又如此的強烈剛強,
So stout and hardy were the band,用熱烈的手,
That scraped the chords with strenuous hand. 摩擦著弦柱。