當前位置:成語大全網 - 端午節詩句 - 急!!!求壹首三年級會讀的英文詩歌,要求沒有壹點關於愛情的。


It's a small world  It's a world of laughter a world of tears  這是壹個充滿歡笑也充滿淚水的世界  It's a world of hopes and a world of fears  這是壹個充滿希望也充滿恐懼的世界  There's so much that we share  多分享  That it's time we're aware  多關註  It's a small world after all  到底這是壹個小小的世界  There is just one moon and one golden sun  世上只有壹個月亮,也只有壹個金色的太陽  And a smile means friendship to everyone  對人微笑是友誼的體現  Though the mountains divide and the oceans are wide  縱使山很高海很闊  It's a small world after all  到底這是壹個小小的世界  It's a small world after all  到底這是壹個小小的世界  It's a small world after all  到底這是壹個小小的世界  It's a small world after all  到底這是壹個小小的世界  It's a small, small world  這是壹個很小很小的世界