當前位置:成語大全網 - 端午節詩句 - 關於冬天的英文詩句含作者和篇名(關於冬天的英文小詩)



1.Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind Poem lyrics of Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind by Shakespeare. Blow, blow, thou winter wind, Thou art not so unkind As man's ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: Then, heigh-ho! the holly! This life is most jolly. Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky, Thou dost not bite so nigh As benefits forgot: Though thou the waters warp, Thy sting is not so sharp As friend remember'd not. Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly: Then, heigh-ho! the holly! This life is most jolly. 2.Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep 貌似長了壹點點 下面壹個有中文的 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 雪夜林畔駐馬 羅伯特.弗羅斯特 我想我知道這是誰的樹林. 他的家雖在那邊鄉村; 他看不到我駐足在此地, 佇望他的樹林白雪無垠. 我的小馬壹定會覺得離奇, 停留於曠無農舍之地, 在這樹林和冰湖中間 壹年中最昏暗的冬夕. 它將它的佩鈴朗朗壹牽 問我有沒有弄錯了地點. 此外但聞微風的拂吹 和紛如鵝毛的雪片 這樹林真可愛,黝黑而深邃. 可是我還要趕好幾英裏路才能安睡, 還要趕好幾英裏才能安睡.。


絕句----杜甫 兩個黃鸝鳴翠柳, 壹行白露上青天。 窗含西嶺千秋雪, 門泊東吳萬裏船。

Jueju--dufu--Two orioles of Du Fu ring the green willow, the delegation in the blue sky in White Dews. Window include west mountain range a thousand years snow, door moor Wu ten thousand li of ships.

3.求 幾首 描寫冬天的英文詩 中英文都有,謝謝


Flower of Winter, Flower of Spring

A Flower blooms

In winter's chill

Though Darkness looms

It remains still.

Throughout the storms

Of snow and hail

The Flower forms

Its figure frail

Then springtime dawns

And on the ground

Flower is not gone

Though others abound

A young man sees

The flowers sway

With gentle breeze

He walks their way

And for his maiden

picks one out

Nature's game played

Without a doubt

A Flower picked

For lovers' will

A Flower born

In winter's chill




























1. the ice-bound cold winter, the bone-chilling cold cold wind could not blow off the panic that world the spot spot to hug spatially has revealed my heart movement easily.

2. the winter arrived, the cold current has also come, goose feathers heavy snow everywhere dances in the air, the entire world has put on the white coat.

3. the mountain peak entire has been white, adds a border together nearby the silver to the blue sky. On the hillside, some place snow thick spot, some place grass color is also revealing; Thus, is together white, is together shading yellow, puts on a belt watermark for Shan Men the spathe; Looks that this spathe is moved probably by the wind, calls you to hope sees a spot more beautiful mountain the flesh.


冬天來了(Winter Is Coming) Winter is the fourth season of the year. Now, the weather is getting colder and colder. It means winter is coming. I think winter is a white season. In winter, it often snows and everything becomes white. Every winter, children are the happiest because they can make the snowman. I like winter best. In winter, the weather is the coldest, but I don't mind. When it is snowing, I'm always very excited. The snow is very white and sparkling. It makes everything white and beautiful. Although the weather in winter is very cold, it's really wonderful. The happiest thing is that we have a winter holiday every year. We can get lots of red packets, eat delicious food and visit my friends. 冬天的灰椋鳥 聚在壹塊,它們很吵鬧, 它們的黑羽毛卻綴滿星點。

在這冰冷的的寒風裏, 它們是即興的 雜技演員, 從電線上逐個躍起。 這會兒 在空中的劇場 它們正在俯沖、上升 掠過大廈。

象群串在壹起的 星星, 壹下子散成碎片, 眨眼間又合為壹體。 當妳在觀看 並想要 模仿它們時, 妳簡直就無法想象: 它們怎麽會幹得如此漂亮? 飛翔時,並沒有得誰明確的指示, 它們卻壹刻都沒有猶豫、沒有停息。

妳只好默認:這是件神奇的事情。 這個由許多零件組成的輪子, 可以上下輾轉,不斷重復, 載滿了無數 美妙的生命。

啊, 世界,就在這無葉的冬天, 就在這灰黯的城市, 您饋贈給我們如此明智的啟迪。 而我,現在就要去 超越那些悲哀, 我已感到我的皮靴 正在啟動, 正在設法離開地面。

我心跳加劇, 想再做出些冒險而又崇高的事情, 輕快地去生活、去遊樂。 我要使我變得美無倫比而又無所畏懼,仿佛 我已插上雙翼。

(Nov. 16, 2007 in Saratoga Springs, NY, US) Starlings in Winter -by Mary Oliver (American poet, 1935-) Chunky and noisy, but with stars in their black feathers, they spring from the telephone wire and instantly they are acrobats in the freezing wind. And now, in the theater of air, they swing over buildings, dipping and rising; they float like one stippled star that opens, becomes for a moment fragmented, then closes again; and you watch and you try but you simply canót imagine how they do it with no articulated instruction, no pause, only the silent confirmation that they are this notable thing, this wheel of many parts, that can rise and spin over and over again, full of gorgeous life. Ah, world, what lessons you prepare for us, even in the leafless winter, even in the ashy city. I am thinking now of grief, and of getting past it; I feel my boots trying to leave the ground, I feel my heart pumping hard. I want to think again of dangerous and noble things. I want to be light and frolicsome. I want to be improbable beautiful and afraid of nothing, as though I had wings.。


描寫冬天的詩 絕句----杜甫 兩個黃鸝鳴翠柳, 壹行白露上青天。

窗含西嶺千秋雪, 門泊東吳萬裏船。 江雪----柳宗元 千山鳥飛絕, 萬徑人蹤滅。

孤舟蓑笠翁, 獨釣寒江雪。 梅花----王安石 墻角數枝梅, 淩寒獨自開。

遙知不是雪 為有暗香來 描寫冬天的詩 逢雪宿芙蓉山主人 江 雪 劉長卿 柳宗元 日 暮 蒼 山 遠,千 山 鳥 飛 絕, 天 寒 白 屋 貧。萬 徑 人 蹤 滅。

柴 門 聞 犬 吠,孤 舟 蓑 笠 翁, 風 雪 夜 歸 人。獨 釣 寒 江 雪。

雨雪瀌瀌,見晛曰消 瀌瀌:雪盛的樣子;壹說猶“飄飄”。晛;太陽的熱氣。

曰:語助詞,無實義。 《詩經·小雅·角弓》 寒風摧樹木,嚴霜結庭蘭 漢·樂府古辭《古詩為焦仲卿妻作》 淒淒歲暮風,翳翳經日雪。

傾耳無希聲,在目皓已潔 淒淒:寒涼。翳翳:陰暗。


皓:白。 晉·陶淵明《癸卯歲十二月中作與從弟敬遠》 撒鹽空中差可擬,未若柳絮因風起 晉·謝道蘊《詠雪聯句》:“白雪紛紛何所似,撒鹽空中差可擬,未若柳絮因風起。”

明月照積雪,朔風勁且哀 朔風:北風。勁:猛烈。

哀:淒厲。 南朝宋·謝靈運《歲暮》 隔牖風驚竹,開門雪滿山 牖:窗戶。

風驚竹:風中帶雪,打在竹上,發出沙沙的響聲。 唐·王維《冬晚對雪憶胡居士家》 不知庭霰今朝落,疑是林花昨夜開 庭霰:落在庭院裏的雪花。

唐·宋之問《苑中遇雪應制》 水聲冰下咽,沙路雪中平 唐·劉長卿《酬張夏雪夜赴州訪別途中苦寒作》 壹條藤徑綠,萬點雪峰晴 唐·李白《冬日歸舊山》 地白風色寒,雪花大如手 唐·李白《嘲王歷陽不肯飲酒》 燕山雪花大如席,紛紛吹落軒轅臺 軒轅臺:相傳為黃帝擒蚩尤之處。 唐·李白《北風行》 亂雲低薄暮,急雪舞回風 回風:回旋的風。

唐·杜甫《對雪》 霜嚴衣帶斷,指直不得結 指直:手指僵直。 唐·杜甫《自京赴奉先縣詠懷五百字》 雲晴鷗更舞,風逆雁無行 無行:不成行列。

唐·杜甫《冬晚送長孫漸舍人歸州》 寒天催日短,風浪與雲平 唐·杜甫《公安縣懷古》 斜陽疏竹上,殘雪亂山中 唐·韓翃《褚主簿宅會畢庶子錢員外郎使君》(壹作張繼詩) 誰將平地萬堆雪,剪刻作此連天花 唐·韓愈《李花二首》:“當春天地爭奢華,洛陽園苑尤紛拏。誰將平地萬堆雪,剪刻作此連天花。”


唐·柳宗元《江雪》 嚴冬不肅殺,何以見陽春 肅殺:嚴酷蕭瑟的樣子。 唐·呂溫《孟冬蒲津關河亭作》 天寒色青蒼,北風叫枯桑。

厚冰無裂文,短日有冷光 叫:風聲如吼。 唐·孟郊《苦寒吟》 才見嶺頭雲似蓋,已驚巖下雪如塵。

千峰筍石千株玉,萬樹松蘿萬朵雲 唐·元稹《南秦雪》 六出飛花入戶時,坐看青竹變瓊枝 六出:雪花呈六角形,故以“六出”稱雪花。瓊枝:竹枝因雪覆蓋面似白玉壹般。

唐·高駢《對雪》 夜深知雪重,時聞折竹聲 唐·白居易《夜雪》:“已訝衾枕冷,復見窗戶明。夜深知雪重,時聞折竹聲。”

旋撲珠簾過粉墻,輕於柳絮重於霜 兩句寫雪花紛飛的景象。 唐·李商隱《對雪二首》 百泉凍皆咽,我吟寒更切 咽:泉水因冰凍而流動不暢,因以嗚咽來形容。

吟:歌吟。 唐·劉駕《苦寒吟》:“百泉凍皆咽,我吟寒更切。

半夜倚喬松,不覺滿衣雪。” 戰退玉龍三百萬,敗鱗殘甲滿天飛 玉龍:形容飛雪。

敗鱗殘甲:形容雪片亂舞如鱗甲之片紛紛墜落。 宋·胡仔《苕溪漁隱叢話》前集卷五十四引《西清詩話》載張元作《雪》詩 江山不夜月千裏,天地無私玉萬家 玉:喻白雪。

元·黃庚《雪》 溪深難受雪,山凍不流雲 清·洪升《雪望》。


1. The river in winter is very beautiful. The river has a thick layer of ice, and the woods on the side are covered with loose snow. Look far and far, like White Velvet covered with a silver white ribbon.


2. In winter, when the weather is very cold and the wind is cold, poplar stands tall and stubborn. Standing in the wind and snow, he is not afraid of the cold. He always stands in the middle of our school playground, waiting for the coming of spring.


3. In winter, many flowers have withered, but the plum blossom can open in the cold wind alone, and the cold winter stubbornly contend for.



1. Winter is like a princess, dancing magic veil, sent bursts of wind; winter as a craftsman, carving out the most beautiful winter ice; like a magician, change a piece of snow.


2. Winter came, the grass was gone, and a white snow quilt was laid on the grass. The trees are bare, only pine is still green, also dressed in a white coat of snow. The river was frozen with ice. The mountains in the distance and the small pavilions on the mountains were covered with thick snow quilts.


3. It's very warm here in winter, and occasionally the next snow.


4. Look! It's snowing. Winter is here at last.


5. In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground.






winter is a beautiful season, especially when it snows.

snowflakes fall down naughtily. they fall on branches of trees, on roofs of houses and on wheat fields.