Of the world if you have too many complaints
Fall on a dare to go forward
Why are people so vulnerable to degradation
Please turn on the TV to see
How many man-made life in the brave efforts to go
We are not the content
Even if not all have to treasure
You will recall that the family is the only castle as the river continues to run Daoxiang
Smile when he was a boy I know dreams
Do not cry to let you escape the country with a firefly's songs always in accordance with the KAO
You go home back to the beginning of a beautiful
Do not want to give up so easily like I said
Fail to recover the dream of dreams do not have to change the
For his first love life painted bright color like the color
Laughter is not married to it a purpose
Happy is happy to let his name meaning
Childhood paper airplane to fly back to me now finally in the hands
Happy that the so-called Barefoot dragonflies in the fields catch up tired
Picking fruit to the bee sting to be afraid of who it Touxiao
I kao scarecrow with the wind blowing singing asleep
Ee Chong Ming in the afternoon guitar in a more clear
Oe sunlight onto the road on the heart are not afraid
Even if not all have to treasure
You will recall that the family is the only castle as the river continues to run Daoxiang
Smile when he was a boy I know dreams
Do not cry to let you escape the country with a firefly's songs always in accordance with the KAO
You go home back to the beginning of a beautiful
The hue grades bleached lightly on the ivory base to sketch a pattern
And the peony drawn on its body is just as delicate as when you are at your best
Perfume rom sandalwood penetrates the window and easily unbosoms my heart
I might as well stop my brush, leaving it half-done on the Xuan paper.
The charm of the Ladies rendered by its bright glaze is kept as a private collection
But, your radiant and tender smile is like the flower in bud
And is so beautiful as to spread and suffuse all over, and beyond my collection.
Blue carp leaps vigorously onto the bottom of the porcelain bowl
And, you leap into my mind while I was signing it.
You are like the art of making porcelainwares, remaining as a mystery in the kilns for thousands of years
And are extreme smooth and exquisite as the fine embroidery.
Outside the curtain, the plantain leaves have aroused a fit of rain while the knocker is arousing the copper green
And I have aroused your attention while the way is leading me through the small town of Jiang Nan
And now, your face fades in and out every now and then in my splash-ink painting.
The clear heaven dims its light to the verge of the horizon expecting the vast blur of mist and rain, and I am longing for you.
Smoke of kitchen fires rises up high, and we are far apart on either side of the torrential waters.
I could only imitate the elegance of the ancient calligraphy at the bottom of the bottle
To pound the pavement leading to your world.
The heaven is expecting the mist and rain, and I am longing for you.
Moonlight is dip up, making ripples radiating out and the story come to an end
Just like the beautiful porcelain handed down from one generation to another, there lie your smiling eyes all through with me.
Eaves erecting high against the world outside,Windmill echoing like the sound of an ebbing tide,I await you through all days and nights.
時間被安排 演壹場意外 妳悄然走開
Without a word of good-bye,you pass me by and everything fades into back.
故事在城外 濃霧散不開 看不清對白
Our story started in the wilderness far and wide;with dim air choking all words and passion in your eyes.
妳聽不出來 風聲不存在 是我在感慨
Then I uttered a sigh,and you have always taken that as a wind that just brushed by.
夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局打開
那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆
Our destiny was unveiled after my roaming dreams took their flight,leaving me with infinite fear for the pale future without me holding tight.
我送妳離開 千裏之外 妳無聲黑白
Farewell,my girl,but you say not goodbye.
沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
Our heightened distance drives eternity out of sight.
我送妳離開 天涯之外 年是否還在
Farewell,my girl,will you forever abide?
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用壹生 去等待
Melody coming from afar bidding lifelong departure doomed for you and I.
壹身琉璃白 透明著塵埃 妳無暇的愛
Dressed in grown of pure bright,you gave me faith that your love will never lie.
妳從雨中來 詩化了悲哀 我淋濕現在
Raindrops were falling when you came along and sadness was born whereupon,leaving me countless teardrops to ease my fright.
芙蓉水面采 船行影尤在 妳卻不回來
How I mourn the days when you picked the lotus in the twilight.And with that lonesome boat,you never came back.
被歲月覆蓋 妳說的花開 過去成空白
Time carries away every petal and tide,the pass is nothing but void and heartfelt cries.
夢醒來 是誰在窗臺 把結局打開
那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆
Our destiny was unveiled after my roaming dreams took their flight,leaving me with infinite fear for the pale future without you holding me tight.
我送妳離開 千裏之外 妳無聲黑白
Farewell,my girl,but you say not goodbye.
沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
Our heightened distance drives eternity out of sight.
我送妳離開 天涯之外 妳是否還在
Farewell,my girl,will you forever abide?
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用壹生 去等待
Melody coming from afar bidding lifelong departure doomed for you and I.
狼牙月伊人憔悴 我舉杯飲盡了風雪
A crescent moon, cold and gray,
Is when my fair lady pines away
A cup in my hand,
Downing snow and wind of all kind
是誰打翻前世櫃 惹塵埃是非
who upsets my former life
stirring up dust and grief?
緣字訣幾番輪回 妳鎖眉哭紅顏喚不回
Our fate is already written down,
No matter how many times it goes round.
hard and sad you wrinkle your brows
crying over beauty fading like the hours.
Even if history goes up in ashes
my love never ever dies.
繁華如三千東流水 我只取壹瓢愛了解 只戀妳化身的蝶
of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands
I only take one scoop to bear in minds
Obsessed with the butterfly
flapping in your after life.
妳發如雪淒美了離別 我焚香感動了誰
Hair flowing, snow falling,
It takes beauty and sorrow to make a parting.
Whose heart is touched when incenses are burnt?
邀明月 讓回憶皎潔 愛在月光下完美
Inviting the moon to light up a past,
full, and bright, the love shall ever last.
妳發如雪紛飛了眼淚 我等待蒼老了誰
Your hair flows as the snow falls
Scattering away hot tears
Who, in my wait, has advanced in years?
紅塵醉 微醺的歲月 我用無悔刻永世愛妳的碑
Slightly drunken is the worldly Red Dust;
Regret-it-not is the memorial ever carved in my heart
You tears glisten.Laced with pain. 妳的淚光 柔弱中帶傷
The crescent moon hangs in the past pale with sickness 慘白的月彎彎 勾住過往
Cool night too long turns to frost 夜太漫長 凝結成了霜
Who is on the tower frozen in despair 是誰在閣樓上冰冷的絕望
The rain drums lightly on a crimson pane 雨輕輕彈 朱紅色的窗
My destiny is written on paper fluttering in the wind 我壹生在紙上 被風吹亂
Distant dreams rise like incense 夢在遠方 化成壹縷香
Meliting into night is your image 隨風飄散妳的模樣
Chrysanthemums fall weeping to the ground 菊花殘 滿地傷
Traces of your smile your heart now empty 妳的笑容已泛黃 花落人斷腸
My thoughts quitely rest the north wind blows 我心事靜靜淌 北風亂
Not yet dawn your shadow clear and close 夜未央 妳的影子剪不斷
Only companion of my soul on the lake a couple mirroned 徒留我孤單在湖面 成雙
Blossoms of evening air beauty undimmed scatter everywhere 花已向晚 飄落了燦爛
A fate hard to swallow sadness do not cross the river 雕謝的世道上 命運不堪 愁莫渡江
Your antumn heart will sink 秋心拆兩半
Drowning in longing you will not reach the other shore 怕妳上不了岸 壹輩子搖晃
Whose hills and rivers echo with the clamor of hooves 誰的江山 馬蹄聲狂亂
My armor is shredded by the dividing hour 我壹身的戎裝 呼嘯滄桑
The sky slowly brightens 天微微亮
Your sighs slik soft weave a right of sorrow 妳輕聲的嘆 壹夜惆悵
So fragile so spare 如此委婉
Chrysanthemums fall weeping to the ground 菊花殘 滿地傷
Traces of your smile your heart now empty 妳的笑容已泛黃 花落人斷腸
My thoughts quitely rest the north wind blows 我心事靜靜淌 北風亂
Almost dawn your shadow so close 夜未央 妳的影子剪不斷
Only companion of my soul on the lake a couple reflected 徒留我孤單在湖面 成雙
Chrysanthemums sight in the cool night air 菊花殘 滿地傷
Traces of your smile your heart now empty 妳的笑容已泛黃 花落人斷腸
My thoughts quietly rest the north wind blows 我心事靜靜淌 北風亂 夜未央
Almost dawn your shadow so close 妳的影子剪不斷
The only companion of my soul on the lake the tow of us 徒留我孤單在湖面 成雙