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求 冬天的英文詩歌和歌詞

莎士比亞:冬之歌 Winter                 Winter              by William Shakespeare           When icicles hang by the wall           And Dick the shepherd blows his nail           And Tom bears logs into the hall,           And milk comes frozen home in pail,           When blood is nipped and ways be foul,           Then nightly sings the staring owl,                          Tu-who;           Tu-whit, Tu-who: a merry note,           While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.           When all aloud the wind doth blow,           And coughing drowns the parson's saw,           And birds sit brooding in the snow,           And Marian's nose looks red and raw,           When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,           Then nightly sings the staring owl,                          Tu-who;           Tu-whit, Tu-who: a merry note,           While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.                  冬之歌              冰柱條條懸掛在巖梢              牧羊人老李吹著他的手爪,              老唐把木柴抱進了廳堂,              送來的牛奶凍在路上:              手足有凍瘡,路又不像樣,              梟鳥鼓著眼睛,夜:在唱                  荒唐!              荒唐,荒唐!調子倒滿響亮!              正在攪拌沙鍋,那油垢的蔣。              寒風四處吹個不停,              咳嗽聲淹沒了牧師的講經,              眾鳥棲息在雪地裏的巢,              瑪良的鼻子凍成朵紅海椒;              酸林檎在缽子裏啾啾地響,              梟鳥鼓著眼睛,夜:在唱                  荒唐!              荒唐,荒唐!調子倒滿響亮!              正在攪拌沙鍋,那油垢的蔣。