Now if you've been to Paris in the past couple of months, you might have noticed a new addition to its many attractions. A mile-long stretch of road along the Left Bank of the Seine has been turned into a new riverside walkway with bars, floating gardens and sports areas. Our correspondent Hugh Schofield has been cycling along it. Twilight, early autumn, Paris and here I am, cycling along the edge of the River Seine, along what they call the "berge", the quayside. The point is, just a few weeks ago, this was roadway. It was the main drag out of Paris on the Left Bank. It would have been chock-a-block with cars. Now it's been completely redone and pedestrianised and around me there're bars, groups of people picnicking, people with their feet dangling over the edge, children, people jogging, cyclists. On a beautiful evening like this one, it really is quite magical. It's a stretch of a mile that's been opened up from the Eiffel Tower to opposite the Louvre, nothing to do with the summer Paris-Plage, which is an ephemeral thing on the other bank. This is a big permanent change to the Paris cityscape and one which both Parisians and visitors to the city have already taken to their hearts.
如果妳在過去的兩個月裏去過巴黎,那妳壹定會註意到其景點又有了新的變化。在塞納河左岸的壹條幾公裏的公路已被改造成了壹條有酒吧、浮動花園和健身場地的河濱走廊。我們的記者Hugh Schofield正在走廊上騎車。 初秋的黃昏我正騎行在巴黎塞納河的邊緣,在他們稱之為"berge"的地方。原本這裏計劃是停車廠,但現在這裏進行了重整,做成了行人專用區。我的周圍有酒吧、野餐的人群,人們將腳懸空在河岸邊,孩子和大人慢跑、騎行。在這樣壹個美麗的夜晚,壹切都是那麽的神奇。 這條幾公裏的走廊從埃菲爾鐵塔開始延伸至盧浮宮的對面,和夏日巴黎海濱無關,這是和河對岸有關的事物。這是對巴黎城市風光永久的改變,已深入巴黎人和遊客們之心。