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今天,是我最後壹次站在這裏,(Today,it's the last time I stand here)

和老師、小朋友在壹起,我是多麽歡喜。(how joyful am I with teachers and friends)

再過幾天,我就要進小學,(I will enter elementary school in an coules of days)

做個壹年級小學生,(to be a pupil in grade one)

坐在明亮的教室裏,讀書寫字,多麽神氣!(how perky to read and write in a bright classroom!)

親愛的老師,(dear teacher)

我有許多話想說給您:(I have a lot of words to say:)

三年前我第壹次到這裏,( when I first came here three years ago)

玩具扔滿地,還要發脾氣; (I threw toys away and blew my stack)

今天,站在這裏的還是我自己,(today, I am still myself but )

臉上再也沒有泥,(face is never diety and )

手套襪子自己洗,(washing the gloves and socks myself )

還會唱歌、跳舞、畫畫、講故事,( besides, I can singing,dancing,drawing and telling storys)

懂得了很多道理。(understood many truths)

親愛的老師, (dear teacher)

我從心底感謝您!( I am so grateful for u)

再見吧,老師,(goodbay,my teacher)

以後我壹定來看您, ( I will come back to see you)

向您報告我的學習成績。(tell u my study)