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黃世兵詩歌三首(英漢對照) 翻譯:齊鳳艷




Three Modern Poems

By/ Huang Shibing

Tr/ Qi Fengyan


香噴噴十裏,香飄飄十裏呀 屬於妹妹的嫁期,是壹個最純的日子 壹路上有酒味,溝溝坎坎填滿嗩吶聲 桂花村的桂花,成為天底下善良的婆娘 在八月的民間,把傻男人醉倒壹片


The fragrance spreads ten miles far, it’s the time

Younger sister's marriage comes, a purest day.

All the way there is the smell of wine and the sound of Suona horns reverberating in the gully.

The girl named after Osmanthus from Osmanthus Village

Becomes the kindest woman under the sun.

In the earthly August, so many stupid men get drunk.

八月不歸 八月不歸。我的桂花,我的月亮 我討回來的老婆,今生再也潑不出去的水 想小兔子,跑遍山前嶺後 用壹盞盞小燈籠,點亮壹片餵肥牛羊的草叢 八月不歸啊。我的金菊,我的山坡 我送走的妹子,壹根紅頭繩也牽不住的緣 真想此時的壹張臉,橫過夜空 陪伴壹顆孤寂的星辰,把秋風吹涼的世界溫暖

That August Has Never Gone By

That August has never gone by. My Osmanthus, my moon

And my wife, never will I let go.

A rabbit is running all over the mountains,

Lighting with small lanterns a patch of grass fatting cattle and sheep.

That August has never gone by. Though my golden chrysanthemum, my hillside,

And the village girl I once presented a red hair band,

All’s far away.

How good a face crossing the night sky,

Accompanying a lonely star and warming up the autumn cooled by wind.

荷花賦 繡荷包啊,純情小女子 清澈幾回的心思,壹直深陷淤泥 蜻蜓之上,風舉起過往的暗香 於月色猜不透的夜晚,把稚嫩的乳房盡染

Ode To Lotus

Embroidering lotus bag, how pure the little woman.

Secret and sweet thoughts have been washed as liquid as the pond water,

Heart yet deeply in the silt.

Above the dragonfly, the wind lifts up the fragrance of the past,

In the night of mysterious moonlight, appealing the tender breasts.



