People's Republic of China - 中華人民***和國
PRC Planned Retirement Community
PRC Chief Parachute Rigger (Naval Rating)
PRC Civic Renewal Party (Panama)
PRC Pacific Rim Countries
PRC Pacific Rivers Council
PRC Packed Red Cells
PRC Palm Resource File (Palm Computing Platform file extension)
PRC Pampanga Radio Communication (Philippine company)
PRC Parallel Resonant Converter
PRC Paralysis Resource Center (Christopher and Dana Reeve's Foundation)
PRC Parent Resource Center
PRC Parents Rights Coalition
PRC Partial Response Channel
PRC Partial Response Coding
PRC Partial Route Calculation
PRC Partido Renovación Costariccense (Costa Rican Renovation Party)
PRC Partito della Rifondazione Comunista
PRC Peak Rate Controller
PRC Peer Review Committee
PRC Pennsylvania Resources Council
PRC Pension Research Council
PRC Pension Rights Center
PRC People Ready to Communicate (Toastmasters Club)
PRC People Running in Circles
PRC Permanent Residence Certificate
PRC Personnel Readiness Center
PRC Pesticide Residue Committee
PRC Peterborough Regional College (UK)
PRC Pew Research Center
PRC Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
PRC Philippine Racing Commission
PRC Philippine Refining Company
PRC Physical Review C (American Physical Society journal of nuclear physics)
PRC Picocell Radio Channel
PRC Pig Research Council
PRC Planned Requirements, Conversion
PRC Planning Research Corporation
PRC Platform Requirements and Capabilities
PRC Popular Resistance Committee
PRC Population Research Center (University of Texas at Austin)
PRC Porcine Respiratory Coronavirus (also seen as PRCV)
PRC Portable Radio Communications
PRC Positive Research Center (San Francisco, CA)
PRC Post Restaurant Council
PRC Postal Rate Commission
PRC Pre-Ranger Course
PRC Precision Response Corporation (outsourcing)
PRC Prentke Romich Company
PRC Prescott, AZ, USA (Airport Code)
PRC Preservation Resource Center
PRC Presidential Reserve Call-Up (United States Code, Title X, Chapter 12-304)
PrC Prestige Class (Dungeons & Dragons gaming)
PRC Prevention Research Center
PRC Prevention Retention and Contingency (program; Ohio)
PRC Primary Rate Card (Network Equipment Technologies)
PRC Primary Reference Clock (ITU)
PRC Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
PRC Process Reaction Curve (chemical engineering)
PRC Process Review Committee
PRC Procurement Review Committee
PRC Production Requirement Category
PRC Professional Regulation Commission (Philippines)
PRC Profiler Radar Constant
PRC Program Review Committee/Council
PRC Programmatic Risk Classification
PRC Project Record Center
PRC Project Review Committee
PRC Project Review Council
PRC Property Record Card
PRC Propulsion Research Center
PRC Provisional Ruling Council (Nigeria)
PRC Proximal Row Carpectomy
PRC Pseudo Range Correction (GPS)
PRC Public Radio Conference
PRC Publications Review Committee (USACE)
PRC Purchase Request and Commitment
PRC Purple Ribbon Campaign (religious tolerance campaign)
PC的意思是 電腦
UFO,unidentified flying object 中文意思是不明飛行物。
未經查明的空中飛行物。國際上通稱 UFO , 俗稱飛碟。20世紀以前較完整的目擊報告有 300件以上。據目擊者報告,不明飛行物外形多呈圓盤狀(碟狀)、球狀和雪茄狀。20世紀40年代末起,不明飛行物目擊事件急劇增多,引起了科學界的爭論。持否定態度的科學家認為很多目擊報告不可信,不明飛行物並不存在,只不過是人們的幻覺或是目擊者對自然現象的壹種曲解。肯定者認為不明飛行物是壹種真實現象,正在被越來越多的事實所證實。到80年代為止,全世界***有目擊報告約10萬件。不明飛行物目擊事件與目擊報告可分為4類:白天目擊事件;夜晚目擊事件;雷達顯像; 近距離接觸和有關物證。部分目擊事件還被拍成照片。人們對 UFO作出種種解釋,其中有 : ①某種還未被充分認識的自然現象;②對已知物體或現象的誤認;③心理現象及弄虛作假;④地外高度文明的產物。全世界許多國家開展對 UFO的研究。關於UFO的專著約350余種,各種期刊近百種 。世界各國有壹批專家參加此項工作。中國也建立了以科技工作者為主的民間學術研究團體——中國UFO研究會。中國關於UFO的科普刊物《飛碟探索》於1981年創刊。
vip是Very Important Person的縮寫,直譯就是“非常重要的人”“重要人物,大人物“,我們通稱譯為貴賓、貴賓卡或高級會員。(對於商家來說,最重要的人當然就是經常來光顧、且出手大方的貴賓啦!)
Do it yourself 自已動手做.
DIY是"Do It Yourself" 的英文縮寫。興起於近幾年,逐漸成為壹種流行。簡單來說,DIY就是自己動手,沒有性別、年齡的區別,每個人都可以自己做,利用DIY做出來的物品自有壹份自在與舒適。
DIY是"Do It Yourself" 的英文縮寫。興起於近幾年,逐漸成為壹種流行。簡單來說,DIY就是自己動手,沒有性別、年齡的區別,每個人都可以自己做,利用DIY做出來的物品自有壹份自在與舒適。
字母表, 基本知識
China Basketball Association,中國籃球協會
IBM是美國國際商用機器公司(International Business Machines)的簡寫。
IE即Internet Explorerde的縮寫,中文名網絡瀏覽器