V-T When you receive something,you get it after someone gives it to you or sends it to you.接到;收到
V-T You can use receive to say that certain kinds of things happen to someone.For example if they are injured,you can say that they received an injury.受到;遭受
V-T When you receive a visitor or a guest,you greet them.接待;迎接
V-T If you say that something is received in a particular way,you mean that people react to it in that way.(用某種特定方式)回應[usupassive]
V-T When a radio or television receives signals that are being transmitted,it picks them up and converts them into sound or pictures.接收(信號)
PHRASE If you are on the receiving end or at the receiving end of something unpleasant,you are the person that it happens to.成為(不愉快事件的)承受方