當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 拒絕的英語怎麽說


拒絕[jù jué]

refuse; reject; turn down; decline; abnegation


1、我求過他壹次,但他斷然拒絕了。I asked a favour of him, but he refused point-blank. 《漢英大詞典》

2、他堅持拒絕付錢。He persisted in his refusal to pay the money. 《漢英大詞典》

3、那男孩拒絕別人的批評。The boy rejects other people's criticism. 《漢英大詞典》

4、該大使拒絕了所有記者對他的采訪。The ambassador refused to all interviews. 《漢英大詞典》

5、很遺憾,我的助學金申請被拒絕了。Unfortunately, my application for a grant was rejected. 《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》

6、詹姆斯,如果我是妳,我就會拒絕向夏皮羅咨詢。James, I should refuse that consultancy with Shapiro, if I were you 《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》

7、他想要加入該組織的申請遭到了拒絕。His application for membership of the organisation was rejected 《柯林斯高階英漢雙解學習詞典》