contain [k?n'tein]
1. 包含,包括,含有,裝有;由…組成:例句: The bowl contained a variety of fruit.
這個碗裏盛著各種各樣的水果。2. 容納,能裝:例句: The bottle contains 500 millilitres.
這個瓶子能裝500毫升。3. 等於;相當於:例句: A pound contains 16 ounces.
壹磅等於16英兩。4. 克制,容忍:例句: At the sight of this cruelty, they could hardly contain their anger.
看到這種慘不忍睹的景象,他們簡直無法克制他們的憤怒情緒。5. 牽制,遏制,制止:例句: The cholera outbreak has been contained.
霍亂的爆發已被遏制住。6. 數學是…的倍數,可被(某數)除盡:例句: Fourteen contains seven and two.
include [in'klu:d]
1. 包括;包含:例句: The farm includes 150 acres.
這個農場有150英畝。There are 10 people including you.
包括妳有10個人。2. 列入,計入:例句: to include the freight in the account
將運費計入賬內I include you in the list.
我把妳列入名單。3. 包住,關住:例句: The nutshell includes the kernel.
果殼裹著果仁。4. [廢語]禁閉,監禁