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[1] Li Zhen. Warehouse management. Beijing: China Railway Press, May 2003 first edition

[2] QI stone. Logistics Engineering. Tianjin: Tianjin University Press, September 2007 first edition

[3] Joe Smith province. Warehousing and transport logistics study. Guangzhou: Zhongshan University Press, March 2007 first edition

[4] Liang Jun editor. Storage management practices. Beijing: Higher Education Press, July 2003 first edition

[5] Wu Ching-a. Logistics Management [M]. Beijing: China Material Press, 2005.12.

[6] Xie Shaoan. Innovative marketing and management of logistics services. China's collective economy, 2008 (8)

[7] Yao Yue, Ya-Fan. Warehousing and logistics companies of the financial logistics. China's collective economy, 2008 (5)

[8] Gu morning. Warehousing and logistics industry, the role and status, knowledge and innovation, 2009 (1)