Deepening and consolidated. Since 1993, China has been is second only in Japan
In America's second largest trade partner, 2004 Japan from China
Commodity imports totaled us $94.227211 billion, accounting for the sea of Japan
The 21% of total imports, the first place. In in the total export, with
Japan's exports to China in the total amount of goods for 73.818019 billion beauty
Yuan, accounting for 13% of total exports to Japan in the USA, listed the first
Two. As for China, Japan has been the biggest 10 consecutive years
Trade partner, trade in all trade partner's first.
Japan's direct investment (FDI) in recent years also increases rapidly, 2004
Years for us $5.865 billion, accounting for 19% of the Japanese FDI, a
In the United States after, listed the second.