當前位置:成語大全網 - 成語詞典 - 戒除的英語翻譯 戒除用英語怎麽說

戒除的英語翻譯 戒除用英語怎麽說

1、give up;例如:壞習慣不易戒除。Bad habits are not easily given up;

2、fall out of/lay aside;例如:他已經戒除了喝酒的習慣。He has fallen out of /laid aside the habit of drinking.

3、break oneself of a habit;例如:他戒除了那壞習慣He broke himself of that bad habit.

4、leave off 。例如;如果妳戒煙的話,妳的支氣管炎就會好得多;If you would leave off smoking, your bronchitis would much improve.