英 [sm?ɡ] 美 [smɑɡ, sm?ɡ]
fog and haze
霧霾險 smog insurance
霧霾天氣 Fog and haze weather
大氣霾霧 atmospheric haze
Now, with hazardous smog threatening its coast, Japan is offering further tech know-how to an increasingly desperately polluted China.
Gradually, she created a fairytale world in the city, which is always covered by fog and haze in the winters.
Large displacement diesel engine pollutant emissions are relatively poor, resulting in a series of environmental problems, especially like great fog and haze.
The pollution of fog and haze, which is caused by many physical and chemical reasons, is a new kind of air pollution in China.
The ceremony took place on a muggy morning, with the village's blocks offlats shrouded in a pollution haze.
We get rules of the attenuation of fog, cloud, haze and atmosphere as theheight changes, and give the calculation formula of the laser scatteringcharacter of cloud layer.
霧霾相關 英語閱讀 :
國內的多家英語報紙網站都刊載了大量有關霧霾鎖城的報道。我們先來看看它們上面的新聞標題吧。像《中國日報》、《上海日報》等媒體刊登了諸如?Air clears but haze threat remains?、?City fog alert removed, haze may ease?、?How to avoid the danger from heavy haze?、?Colder air arrives with gusts and pollution haze?、?Cold front to disperse haze in cities?、?China environmentalists slam inaction over smog?、?Cities hit hard by smog?、?All must strive hard to combat smog?等標題。從這些報道中,我們發現haze和smog使用都比較頻繁,但前者的頻率顯然要高壹些。那麽哪個詞才是霧霾確切的對應詞呢?
根據《英漢大詞典》的解釋,表示天氣意思的haze有兩個譯名,即霾和煙霧,而smog雖然也被譯作煙霧,但它通常指工業地區排出的煙與霧的混合體。這樣看來,haze與霧霾對應比較合理。這從這兩個詞的英文釋義中也能看出來。《新牛津英語詞典》給haze和smog提供的釋義分別為?a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles?和?fog or haze intensified by smoke or other atmospheric pollutants?。由此可見,haze是由細小的懸浮顆粒引起的,而smog是指受煙或其他大氣汙染物影響的霧或霾。所以我們有時可以把smog當作是haze的壹種。
就haze的用法而言,它通常與thick、dense等形容詞連用,表示較為嚴重的霧霾。《時代周刊》在12月5日就以?China's Eastern Coast Blanketed in Toxic Haze?(有毒霧霾籠罩中國東部沿海)為標題,報道了席卷華東地區的重度霧霾。至於smog,它也可以由壹些形容詞來修飾,如dense、choking(令人窒息的)、noxious(有毒的)等等。
smog是個拼合詞,由smoke和fog構成。既然它是工業汙染的產物,所以它出現的時間要晚很多。《柯林斯英語詞典》給出的時間段是C20,也就是較為寬泛的20世紀;《牛津英語大詞典》中的首現年份是1905年。這個詞公認的創造者是壹名叫做德沃的醫生。他在壹篇題為?Fog and Smoke?的會 議論文 中使用了smog壹詞,後來倫敦的壹份報紙引用了他的話,由此smog作為描述當時倫敦大霧的最佳詞語被傳播了開來。奇怪的是,美國的韋氏詞典居然把smog的首現年份定在1884年。1957年,英語中還出現了壹個由smog構成的復合詞,即photochemical smog(通常譯作?光化煙霧?或?光化學汙染?)。英語新詞中也有壹個由smog構成的復合詞?data smog。這個首現於1993年的詞語,有被譯作?信息煙塵?,也有被直譯成?數據煙霧?,通常指通過網絡檢索所得到的多得難以應對的信息。