on the right side (of)
問題二:在內部的後面用英語怎麽說?在外部的後面用英語怎麽說? in back of
in the back of
問題三:在外部的後面用英語怎麽說 At the back of the outside.
問題四:“適用於外部會議”用英文怎麽翻譯? Our bussiness center has conference rooms fully prepared in support of various customers w暢o are interested in holding a meeting outside your own place and where is capable to have all your need satisfied.
問題五:外部培訓 英語怎麽說? 在線等! exterior traning
問題六:內部招聘 外部招聘 用英語怎麽翻譯? 內部招聘:Internal Recruitment或In-house recruitment
外部招聘:External Employment(recruitment)或External Recruiting
問題七:外部接口用英語怎麽說 External interface
問題八:外圍設備,外部設備的英文怎麽說 外圍設備[wài wéi shè bèi]
peripheral unit; peripheral equipment; ancillary equipment; auxiliary equipment