資產負債表 balance sheet
損益表 ine statement
有翻譯成 profit and loss statement 的 不建議使用
?public relations ― 公***關系
?feasibility study ― 可行性研究
?operating profits ― 營運利潤
?interest rate ― 利率
?black hole ― 黑洞
?agricultural subsidy ― 農業補貼
?Doha talks ― 多哈回合談判
?merger of equals ― 對等合並
?government-run procurement ― *** 采購
?one-off charge ― 壹次性費用
?face value ― 票面價值
?balance sheet ― 資產負債表
?free-floating currency ― 自由浮動的貨幣
?the Group of Seven ― 七國集團
?cross-border deal - 跨境交易
?keep pace with the times - 與時俱進
?tit-for-tat - 以牙還牙
?Customer Relationship Management - 客戶關系管理
?direct flight - 直航
?tariff retaliation - 關稅報復
?food security ― 食品安全
?currency trader - 外匯交易商
?obesity ― 肥胖癥
?auction of bad loan ― 壞賬拍賣
?discretionary spending ― 可自由支配的開支
?steel tariff - 鋼鐵關稅
?discrimination C 歧視
?mortgage lending - 抵押貸款
?hair shirt - 苦行衣
?floor-based trading system - 場內交易系統
?mutual fund - ***同基金
?tax break - 稅務減免
?merger and acquisition ― 並購
?spammer C 垃圾郵件發送者
?independent auditing board ― 獨立審計委員會
?theft of state property ― 吞占國有資產
?protectioni *** - 保護主義
?chief ethics officer ― 首席道德官
? *** artphone ― 智能手機
?flexible exchange rate ― 靈活匯率
?currency intervention ― 貨幣幹涉
問題二:資產負債率 英文怎麽說 Asset liability ratio
asset-liability ratio
問題三:“資產負債率”和“變現能力”用英文怎麽說? 資產負債率:1. liability/asset ratio資產負債表 balance sheet資產負債率 liability/asset ratio2. Assets Liabilities RatioTotal equity 權益總額Assets Liabilities Ratio 資產負債率4. Leverage混合樣本的統計結果表明:資產負債率(LEVERAGE)在5%的水平上顯著正相關,這與前面本文的假說相壹致。變現能力
問題四:資產負債損益 如潤表的英文縮寫是什麽? P/L:Profit or Loss Statement 利潤表
B/S :Balance Sheet, 資產負債表
問題五:盤入負債的英語翻譯 盤入負債用英語怎麽說 盤入負債
翻譯成英文是:assumed liabilities
assumed liabilities
英[?su:md ?lai?bilitis]
美[?sumd ?lab?l?t?s] [詞典] [經] 承擔責任,代人承擔負債,盤入負債;
[例句]Assumed liabilities excerpt from a model agreement, with ments.
問題六:他已經負債很久了 用英文怎麽說 He has been in debt for a long time.
他 已經 負債 很久了
問題七:擁有580億元的資產 用英語怎麽寫 With $58000000000 of assets。
On average in the first 7 months of 2011 china's banks purchased a net 258 billion yuan ($40.4 billion) a month in foreign exchange.
問題八:使負債的英語翻譯 使負債用英語怎麽說 使負債
[詞典] [法] indebt;
Finally, it makes existing bad debts less onerous on the balance sheet.