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Dissolves liquid :Molecular or the ionic condition disperses the clear liquidhomogeneous phase, the system is stable

Dissolves mastic:The colloidal dispersion forms the heterogeneity system, theagglutination instability

Emulsion:The liquid particle disperser forms the heterogeneity systemagglutination and the gravity instability

Dissolves liquid andmastic:The solid particle disperser forms the heterogeneity systemagglutination and the gravity instability

Target to function; Dispersion degree; Irritating quality; Stomach andintestines mucous membrane; Antiseptic; The mildew changes;Heterogeneity dispersion system; Chemical degradation; Projects themedicinal preparation (the note: In quota inhalator); System grain ofprocess; Supplementary material; Hard gelatine capsule; Soft gelatinecapsule; The intestines dissolve the gelatine capsule; Intestinestarget to gelatine capsule; Pouch shell; Gelatin; Air seasoning;Deliquescence; Powder body pile of density; Powder body fluidity;Uniformity


麻黃精氯化物5.0g 氯代丁醇1.25g WFI 250ml
