1. Cats and dogs are not toys, you can take it as a member of your family do?
2. It is not a game you can throw away after a few months things, and you will be accompanied by long-term partner, and almost a dozen years, you can several decades to treat it?
3. You are willing to pay for your time and energy to accompany it? Do you have a good education in its grasp it?
4. You are able to bring it to you all the inconveniences, or even in place who should not be intended to relieve it?
5. You will be able to understand it is the wrong thing, even when it is damaged furniture you can tolerate it?
6. When it's sick, you take care of it carefully so that it can recover at an early date it?
7. Can your family and it is compatible, if you object to be able to convince family members it?
8. You and your family can tolerate it and shed it smell?
9. When the elderly disabled, you can not find it too and it is for its hospice it?
10. Does your economic situation you have the ability to allow it to buy food, toys, epidemic prevention, beauty, such as medical treatment?
When you decide to buy a kitten, and the decision of the cat species, are most concerned about how to be a healthy choice of a kitten.
First of all, if conditional, it is best to select the host to the cat, take a look at the mother cat and the cat's nest with the body because the body of a cat parents good or bad, will directly affect the health of the kitten the next generation. From a variety of good, healthy body, body beautiful future generations to select. Kitten you look at the growth situation, whether or not the lovely and lively, smart, strong physique, good appetite, as well as shiny hair and so on. Not vote in a pot the size of the smallest cat (that is, weak cat), because it weak constitution, slow growth, easy to fall ill, it is difficult to feed.
Second, we must check whether the cat healthy. Cat health is a sign:
1. Bright eyes, no tears, no discharge, no inflammation;
2. Clean ears, put up, little or no wax, no other foreign body;
3. Around the mouth should be clean and dry, with no food and saliva, dental their own firm, was pink, no ulcer;
4. Hair smooth, soft skin, there is no bald spots, lumps, skin redness do not;
5. Anus and genitalia should be clean and no discharge, in the vicinity of the hair should not be stained with dirt stool;
6. Body muscles strong, well-developed, not to skin rash. Do not choose a runny nose, tears of the kitten.
Healthy cats in a quiet state, call the owner or other noise-sensitive reaction, after Wensheng ears before and after swinging back and forth. Bing Mao or cat is deaf to the voices without any response. Elected in a kitten, they should try to call it, the cats take a look at whether or not the response. If the kitten easily startled or arsenic grinned teeth, it is necessary to examine whether their illness, fear of whether or not the new owner or adapted to the new environment.
Third, we must learn to identify the age of the cat. Under normal circumstances, the Health and cats 2-3 weeks after the beginning of a long deciduous, 2-3 long months of deciduous QI and began Huanya to 6 months, all the permanent incisors long Qi. 1 year after the beginning of the next front teeth have to wear, 5 years after the canine began to wear in seven years lower front teeth into a circle, more than 10 years, the wear and tear on the front teeth into a round collar. Can also be based on the growth of hair and hair color changes more or less to identify the age of the cat. Cats 6 months after birth, grow new hair, said adult; backward in 2067 middle-aged people, at this time, the Minister of mouth to be white; to old age, the head grow back white.